gorgeouszombiegirl on DeviantArthttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/https://www.deviantart.com/gorgeouszombiegirl/art/What-A-Day-For-a-Daydream-170925061gorgeouszombiegirl

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gorgeouszombiegirl's avatar

What A Day For a Daydream



Please don't judge! I'm just a poor artist with no cool digital program to fix up this picture!
My mediums were mechanical and colored pencils.
Oops! Almost forgot! This picture is basically a girl re-reading a fairytale she loved when she was little and day-dreaming about it. Pardon if the hands aren't exactly proportional.
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3268x2507px 2.16 MB
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Nefermeritaset's avatar
I like this one ! So dreamy...
You draw much, much better than I do (but that's not very difficult... I think I can't draw at all... ;) ).
There isn't any zombie in that fairy tale ? :giggle: