Introspection       (SFM Wallpaper)gold94chica on DeviantArt

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gold94chica's avatar

Introspection (SFM Wallpaper)



Sometimes, I just gotta stop, sit, and think about what I'm doing with my life.  Why do I do what I do?  What should I do with this life that God has have given me?  How can I make the most of every day to impact the world for better and to bring people to Christ?

meh, I'm fine lol.... this picture wasn't even supposed to happen, but I've neglected SFM and DA for weeks now.  This is actually part of an animation that I'm working on, and I needed an image from it, so I figured I'd throw it up here to show that I'm not dead. (by the way, the glow on my face is from a laptop.)

and don't forget Hitlerspimp today as he undergoes surgery.  We will both appreciate your prayers for his doctors and support during his recovery.

...sfm fnaf sourcefilmmaker sfmsourcefilmmaker 5naf fivenightsatfreddys five nights at freddys freddys five_nights_at_freddys fnaf2 5naf2 fnaf3 5naf3 gold94chica source filmmaker wallpaper1920x1080 chicathechicken chica_the_chicken chicachicken chicafnaf wallpaper cupcake introspection introspective reflection reflective 
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1920x1080px 3.07 MB
© 2015 - 2025 gold94chica
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Jihatrj's avatar

Can i take inspiration from this post?