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gold94chica's avatar

Bonnie Gangnam Style lol (Chat Icon)



For :iconfoxybonniebia:, who LOVES Bonnie :D.  Whenever you are feeling down, just look at this lol

Kawaii Bonnie Cute Chat Icon 

I've been wanting to make this icon for a LONG time, but it's really hard to make stuff from these videos because he moves the camera around so much, and the lighting is dark.  But I think I did my best on this one, it even loops OK.…

I think it's funny how it looks like Bonnie is dancing "on command" at the press of that button lol

I'm gonna make all these characters dance, even if it's the last thing I ever do!! Chica's Happy Dance (Chat Icon) 

...chica fnaf fnaf2 fnaf3 5naf 5naf2 5naf3 foxy bonnie freddy five nights at freddy's freddys gif animation fivenightsatfreddys five_nights_at_freddys photoshop sfm sfmsourcefilmmaker sourcefilmmaker yolo swag bro bruh cool gold94chica welcome fave favorite watch friend thanks thankyou thank you party partyhard birthday happybirthday boss sweg fav oppa gangnam gangnamstyle style dance dancing celebrate celebration celebrating
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© 2015 - 2024 gold94chica
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BiWolf16's avatar

I smoked too much meth I think