Annoying Headbanging Trash Dove Facebook Emoticongold94chica on DeviantArt

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gold94chica's avatar

Annoying Headbanging Trash Dove Facebook Emoticon



First upload of 2017.  And it's this "trash".  As if there weren't enough annoying icons already... but memes are memes and I'm a bit bored.  I'm still on break, but this took like 10 minutes.  But life is going great, and I'll be back to creating real art with actual effort again soon :)  Until then, I hope everyone's doing well and enjoying 2017 so far as much as I am.

Rock on! Annoying Headbanging Trash Dove Facebook Emoticon by gold94chica

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50x50px 3.82 KB
© 2017 - 2025 gold94chica
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Pawprint1's avatar
Annoying Headbanging Trash Dove Facebook Emoticon

Yes I've found all of the bread finally!!!!!!