Current Residence: The USA, Midwest
deviantWEAR sizing preference: XL
Print preference: Color, or artisticly monochrome
Favourite genre of music: Classic / Hard Rock
Favourite photographer: Peter Parker (lol)
Favourite style of art: Psychedelic/ Abstract Art
Operating System: Vista (NUUUUUUUUUUUU)
MP3 player of choice: My black, 20gig, dented, scratched, and just plain screwed up ipod
Shell of choice: What do you think I am, a freakin turtle?
Skin of choice: Don't be racist Deviant Art, cause thats just not nice.
Favourite cartoon character: Captian Planet (He's a Hero!)
Favourite Visual Artist
Andy Warhol (anyone who can turn a bananna into a symbol of rock is amazing)
Favourite Movies
Monty Python and the Holy Grail
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Led Zeppelin (also a fan of The Beatles, King Crimson, The Rolling Stones, and The Who)
Favourite Writers
Douglad Adams
Favourite Games
Rock Band 2, Half Life, Portal, TF2 (screw it, just throw in the Orange Box as a whole) and Infamous
Favourite Gaming Platform
Xbox 360 (The only thing Microsoft seems to be getting right these days)
Tools of the Trade DIY creator, Google Images, MS Paint
Other Interests
Video Games, Food, Music, Science Fiction and Fantasy Stories, Making Things Go "BOOM"!!!