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Gordan Petrovic
39 Watchers56 Deviations

Deviation Spotlight

  • Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • Deviant for 22 years
  • www.logo.ba
  • He / Him
Llama: Llamas are awesome! (7)
My Bio
Current Residence: Sarajevo
Favourite genre of music: Music
Favourite photographer: divine7, villewilson, Srepfler & noircorbeau
Favourite style of art: Vector & Photomanips
MP3 player of choice: Winamp
Favourite cartoon character: Eric Cartman, Johnny Bravo
Personal Quote: I'll Make you Famous

Favourite Movies
Godfather, Pulp Fiction, Snatch, LS2SB
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Skunk Anansie, Velvet Revolver, Everlast
Favourite Games
My Life
Other Interests
Web design, video editing
Prvi Školski dan u jednoj ameriČkoj Školi. UČiteljica predstavlja novog uČenika Hakira Suzukija iz Japana. PoČinje sat i uČiteljica ispituje: - "Sada Ćemo vidjeti koliko poznajete ameriČku istoriju. Ko je rekao: "Sloboda ili smrt."?" Odjednom tiŠina. Samo Suzuki digne ruku i kaŽe: - "Patrick Henry, 1775. godine, Philadelphija." - "Vrlo dobro Suzuki". - "A ko je rekao: "DrŽava je narod! I kao takva ne smije nikada umrijeti!"?" Niko ni da bekne. Suzuki ustane: - "Abraham Lincoln, 1863. Washington." Nastavnica strogo pogleda razred pa reČe: - "Sramite se! Suzuki je J
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Zaškripiše Audija gume Kadrovici pristigli sa džume Pa svecano potpisuju cage Tranzicijski begovi i age Efendija Ceric dvore gradi Pepsijem se on rujnijem sladi Na hastalu sahani su puni Cujte, veli, braco i tajkuni Bager prvu zapocinje fazu Sutra clanak bice u Avazu Povladjuje, glavom klima Tajkun-beg što nebodera ima Na minderu zasjeo je lobi Efendija Ceric mudro drobi Vijest mu je pristigla do uha Bunu digla Bukovica Gluha Optužuje novinare znane Islamofobe i din-dušmane Pozvao se na dragoga Boga I Sigmunda Freuda velikoga Cujte, braco, kako iz Cikaga U Zagreb je doš'o tražit vra
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Ride with the devil, hide with the lord I got no pistol, ain't got no sword I got no army, ain't got no land, Ain't got nothing but the stone that's in my hand Stone in my hand, stone in my hand Ain't got nothing but the stone that's in my hand You say you want a revolution, well get on board We'll start a new crusade; we'll start a holy war Don't need no orders don't need no plan I don't need nothing but the stone that's in my hand Stone in my hand, stone in my hand I don't need nothing but the stone that's in my hand Stone in my hand, stone in my hand I don't need nothing but the stone that's in my hand You build your fighter
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Profile Comments 226

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Thanks for the fav! Have a llama.
fala na wocu...
thanks a lot for the fav on my photo. 
if u have time take a look to my rest gallery and tell my your opinion. this will make me better. 
wish u the best 
Dear cartoonist,

Cartoonists'Association in Romania invites you to participate in the cultural project located at GREAT ROMANIAN PERSONALITIES www.personality.com.ro (personality.com.ro web/)

For this you need to do a portrait or caricature of one (or more) Romanian persons and send them by post or email, at a resolution of 300 dpi for A4 size (21x30 cm) or more.

We recommend in particular:
- Mihai Eminescu - www.personality.com.ro/eminescu.htm (personality.com.ro/eminescu.htm)
- Ion Luca Caragiale - www.personality.com.ro/caragiale.htm (personality.com.ro/caragiale.htm)

We are interested in your country to fill the gallery at: www.personality.com.ro/tari.htm (personality.com.ro/tari.htm)

If you wish, we can open up a solo show on page
www.personality.com.ro/artisti.htm (personality.com.ro/artisti.htm - click on each image)

All these designs will be exhibited in the Museum of humor that we hope to open it soon. Drawings will also be used in future exhibitions and you can get ... albums and awards.

Please give this invitation with other colleagues who might be interested in our project

I wish you a very good year in 2011!
Nicolae Iontia
'ocemo li vidjeti kakav update u ovom milenijumu,a sakkibhe?