One Tasty DroidGoblinQueeen on DeviantArt

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One Tasty Droid



Nothing says happy birthday like a good old fashion droid head on a platter ;)
Collaborative effort with my other friend for ~Jasmeralda's birthday. I'm glad she talked me into the fondant, I was a little hesitant at first, but it came out nice and without too terribly much fuss.
Metallic shine is edible glitter, silver 'eye' pieces I sculpted out of marzipan and my friend covered with the glitter. Big box/lens is painted box (painted by her roommate) with plastic painted package piece to make the lens. Light is chopped off ring from party supply store.
I added blue food coloring to the yellow part of the cake so his inside was themed, too ;)
R2D2 is copyright to the lovely people at Lucusfilm, ltd
Image size
700x735px 133.68 KB
© 2010 - 2025 GoblinQueeen
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LisaLotek's avatar
This is way too cool!