Goaterz on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/goaterz/art/HL-Wave-Ogawa-1054869478Goaterz

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HL - Wave Ogawa



Name: Wave Ogawa

Age: 24

Gender: Male | He/Him

Pokémon: Simipour

Height: 5’5”

Birthday: February 9th, 2000

Home Island: Rapture Retreat, Lot J14


  • Funny

  • Easygoing

  • Idealistic

  • Free Spirited

  • Lazy

  • Impish

  • Flaky

  • Immature

Wave is the definition of a beach bum. If he’s awake, there’s a chance he’s relaxing, or trying to get to a point where he can relax, and he takes a very laissez-faire approach to life– what will be will be! He’s got a natural curiosity about him that leads him into adventures…and often into trouble. Wave is very friendly and playful, but he hates being tied down, so he can be difficult to get close to. He has an insatiable love of jokes and pranks and unfortunately will subject all of his loved ones to them; like any good monkey, he’s drawn to mischief like it’s a magnet! He doesn’t seem to take much in life seriously, and there is rarely an occasion where he will let someone see him without a smile on his face. As a matter of fact, Wave seems to go out of his way to avoid feeling anything but happy and relaxed.


Wave was born in Driftveil City in Unova. His mother unfortunately passed away during his birth, so Wave’s father was left to raise him on his own. Wave was a talkative, bubbly, often mischievous child that tended to drive his poor father up the wall, and it was frequent that Wave would chafe against his father’s more rigid and traditional mannerisms. One thing the two did have in common was a love for the water; Wave’s father offered boat excursions for tourists who visited Driftveil, then would fish in the off-season. Though the old man was a stern teacher, he taught Wave everything he knew about boating, the water, and all the Pokemon who call it home.

It was expected that Wave would work for his father, then eventually take over the boating and fishing operations for himself when he was old enough. It turned out to be half-true; from the time he was old enough to ride in a boat, Wave worked under his father doing everything from boat maintenance to schmoozing with tourists, and he would frequently help his father fish off the coast of Driftveil and scavenge along the beaches for crabs and other tasty creatures. Wave loved working on the water, but he was also very restless. He dreamed of seeing the world, of sailing strange waters and going wherever he pleased, not being tied down to one spot working on a...schedule! The older he got, the more Wave and his father fought about his disinterest in continuing the family business. It came to a head after Wave finished high school, culminating in a huge fight between the two. Wave packed his bag and left that night, vowing never to return to Driftveil City again.

Wave spent the next few years traveling the world. He’d do odd jobs here and there and fish where he could. Eventually he was able to buy his own boat on which he lived and traveled. True to his word, Wave didn’t return to Driftveil, but he would often mail his father postcards from wherever he’d ended up. Sometimes Wave would settle for a while, making friends and paramours, but eventually he would get restless again and pack up his boat and leave– his strong sense of FOMO made the very idea of being a permanent fixture anywhere absolutely abhorrent. This wasn’t exactly great for maintaining relationships and could sometimes be lonely, but Wave didn’t let the possibility of “never having stability” or “dying alone” get him down– that was Dad talk, and he did not abide Dad talk.

Recently, Wave found himself caught in a storm the likes of which he had never seen. He did his best to battle the roaring waves and relentless wind, but eventually his boat was overtaken. When Wave awoke, he was half-drowned, very cold, and quite cramped from resting on the wreckage of his poor boat. He suddenly found himself homeless and stranded on some dinky island with a giant statue of some lady he didn’t know– this turned out to be Sacred Isle, part of the island chain of Raccolto. After being aided by good samaritans visiting the island to pay respects to the Harvest Goddess, Wave took his fishing pole and his wet clothes and the personal items he was able to salvage from the wreck, and he headed to Raccolto’s Inn. Lucky for Wave, it seems Raccolto is tailor-made for helping people start over, and after working some odd jobs he was able to secure a (very dinky) fishing boat and get back in business. For the first time in a long time, Wave had a tangible goal; raise enough money to get the heck out of Raccolto!

Ability: Torrent


  • Brine

  • Taunt

  • Aqua Tail

  • Uproar

Job: Fisherman

Shop Name: Off The Hook!

Stock Type: Fish and other seafood, seaweed, seashells, and whatever other cool finds he scavenges.

Starter Pokemon Race: Oshawott

Starter Pokemon name: Nori

Starter Pokemon gender: Male

  • Wade found him tangled in someone’s fishing line and they’ve been together ever since

  • Trained to dig for clams

  • Paid in seaweed snacks, for which he is named


  • Knot tying

  • Skateboarding and longboarding

  • Acrobatics and flexibility

  • Surfing

Fun Facts: 

  • Refuses to wear close-toed shoes at every given opportunity

  • Gets horrible hayfever; eyes swollen, sniffly, wheezy, the works. It puts him totally out of commission

  • WILL spray you with his tail

  • Did the hard thing and called his dad for help when he first got to Raccolto. His dad hung up on him!!!!!

Event Titles (optional): TBD


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4045x4061px 3.85 MB
© 2024 Goaterz
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kyuubinu's avatar

I love him, beautiful look at that smile.

He's never leaving this island lmao good luck cutie