My name is Olga. I'm fond of cosplaying since 2008.
I'm not professional cosplayer, It's just my hobby. I like making of costumes and props soooo much. Hope I'will become at least half-professional someday XD
Also, I'm a big fan of CLAMP. So, half of my characters from their works.
My English is really poor, but I'm glad to chat with people with the same interests of all of the world. *v*
Twitter _ twitter.com/olkaaklo
FB _ www.facebook.com/olkaakloolka
World cosplay _ worldcosplay.net/member/29294/
What is it with you Russians always going the extra distance to make cosplay look like the real thing?
I haven't the foggiest idea... but I'm grateful. Excellent work!
Gorgeous cosplay!