Solar and LunarGNGTNT105 on DeviantArt

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Solar and Lunar



my new Cipherish Oc's Solar and Lunar

:yin-yang: :yin-yang: YinYinYangYang :yin-yang: :yin-yang: 
643 Reshiramsolar 644 Zekrom lunar

:yin-yang: <<would of been this concept of an oc but it would of ended up like bad cop good cop. i like seperate indaviduals for it.

they are Twins and Solar is the oldest of the two by 1/2 of a second.
if I draw them with no coloration you could easly get them confused!

(Solar has right side up triangle buttons Lunar has upside down Triangle buttons.)
And their abilities are completely different as well.
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792x792px 458.34 KB
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