The MealGlytchMeister on DeviantArt

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The Meal



I'm pretty boring when it comes to how I like my burgers.  I bult my own, and just went for a bacon cheeseburger.  the only non-traditional thing I went for was the Texas Toast bun.  I personally couldn't tell if there was garlic in the bun at all, but that's mainly because I was raised on huge quantities of garlic as a kid, so it takes a LOT for me to notice.  The burger was pretty much well cooked (I didn't specify how I wanted it, that's just how it came).  It was only mildly greasy, which was a pleasant change from how most burgers end up being for me;  I don't mind a little bit of grease, but when it dissolves the bun, I'm not very happy (I'm looking at you, Culvers).  The bacon was perfectly done:  chewy enough to not be burnt, crispy enough to not require extra effort to take a clean bite out of the burger.  Chomp.  Nom.  Yum.  No need for sawing at a stubborn strip of bacon with my lower incisors.  The fries... oh myyy, the fries.  They.  were.  AWESOME.  Crunchy on the outside, fluffy on the inside, not a hint of sogginess or overcooking to be found anywhere.  I loved the fries.  I think I'll try their loaded fries next time I go there.  So very delicious.  All in all, I was very, very happy with my meal.  Also, I didn't get an upset stomach later, which is always a big bonus.

Cerberus Burger Bar in Peoria, IL
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