Gloria-Gypsy-Designs's avatar


Intent Is Everything
118 Watchers9 Deviations
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The Xray Files by Gloria-Gypsy-Designs, visual art

Albino Llama: Llamas are awesome! (56)
My Bio
I have relocated all of my stock and resources to my main art account. :icongloriagypsy: gloriagypsy

I have a Stock Gallery on that account where you where find all of my old stock/resources from here plus any new stuff I submit.

In the meantime, if you have previously downloaded and use my stock then please credit me on that account. You can find the stock there and comment on the stock itself or send me a note to that account.

I have left a few things here on this account. My stock pack The X (Ray) Files is staying because I received a Daily Deviation on it.

I've also left my two tutorials and a few stamps that I was commissioned to make for groups and fellow deviants and, I've left my Texture Tuesday journals (see below)

My favorites gallery is also still in place because I spent a lot of time gathering wonderful and useful stock and resources from deviants. Make sure to take a look through that gallery!

I hope to to see you all over at my main account Hi!

It is just too much to keep up with more than one account these days.

Favourite Visual Artist
Gloria Gypsy
Tools of the Trade
Camera, CS5
Whether it's a subtle enhancement or vivid color,  textures can be a wonderful resource in the lighting of an artwork. With the right texture and blending mode you can really make an artwork pop!Below are a few examples of artworks using texture to create or enhance lighting::thumb138706420: to :thumb134809810::thumb79076478: to :thumb170429062:  :thumb94197986::thumb99823991: to :thumb113993252: :thumb178734907::thumb63392019: to :thumb154711983: :thumb108897291:More light textures!!!:thumb86996906: :thumb117529695: :thumb161520796: :thumb91267427: :thumb104279762: :thumb141317684: :thumb25955965: :thumb88197942: :thumb76723481: :thumb173...
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In Autumn, not only do the colors in nature seem richer and more mellow, but textures also assume a more dominant role. In this season we see heavier fabrics and textures, and deeper colors.The phrase colors of autumn always brings browns, deep oranges and dark reds to mind. Copper, bronze, gold and shades of ginger are also there. Autumn colorings are all darker shades of standard colors and almost always have a warm cozy feeling about them…The most popular Autumn textures are those of or containing leaves or leaf patterns. But there are many other natural textures that come to mind in this season. Rough bark and stone, dried plants and...
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Does anyone know of any tutorials on making premade backgrounds????

11 votes

Nope, sorry

Yes I will link you to it!

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Profile Comments 382

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:party:  Just dropping by to wish you a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY   :party:
:hug:     :airborne:
Wishing You a VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY! :hug: Airborne 
:wave: thank you very much [link] :hug:
Nice and your welcome. I have moved my stock and resources to my main account =gloriagypsy
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