Black dreamGloom82 on DeviantArt

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Gloom82's avatar

Black dream


Photoshop CS|Genius
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Image size
1024x681px 401.9 KB
© 2010 - 2025 Gloom82
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VenoMal1c3's avatar

Dude, I have to tell you: this image has been my desktop background on my PC for at least the last 2.5 years & I have no desire to change it! I used to be in the habit of changing my desktop background every 3-4 months, sometimes I would be fond of an image & it would get to stay a couple months longer, but that was it. 6 months was the longest I would keep the same image as my desktop background. Now, my login screen is what gets rotated.

Just wanted to say, thanks. It was a pain in the ass if I'm honest, to decide which badass artwork or space scene image I wanted as my background on a quarterly of bi yearly basis.