Favourite genre of music: alternative, grunge, indipendent, post rock, stoner rock Operating System: xP MP3 player of choice: maxfield mp3 BLACKline Favourite cartoon character: Homer
Favourite Movies
Heat --> Mulholland Drive
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Favourite Games
quaKe III aRena (de-stress)
Favourite Gaming Platform
PC / PS2
Other Interests
friends, guitar, digital art, photography, drawing, music
Since my last journal which is...ehm...long ago I hadn't found some time or muse to start drawing new art. Ok, maybe I was to lazy :P
But now, it's time to start photographing things in the "snowy winter wonderland". If you see a strange guy outside who stares at single objects from all angels and positions and releasing to trigger multipe times it's me. So watch out for new deviations.
...it's time to start drawing! Lately I have neglected my drawing routine. I was too lazy and not inspirational for some artwork. Next deviantupload will be similar to ' out of the dark '. But this this one will portrait a woman's head. So watch out!