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glitchgoat's avatar

The Cave Under the Ruins



I'd label this as re:GEN but it's not really necessary to know it's for my stupid fic......

so I've never really painted scenery for scenery's sake before
ever...... before so this was a first!

One and only one layer, except for a light multiply layer at the end.
because I hate myself.

idk it was fun I might do more scenery paintings for the cooler areas in re:GEN...

art and such belongs to :iconkazzooki:. please don't reproduce or copy or w/e it is the kids do.
Image size
1117x991px 602.9 KB
© 2013 - 2024 glitchgoat
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Inakamon's avatar
oh wow. visualizing has made it that much more better. you have talents that i wish i had. great work.