Super Ponybeat Vol. 100 Mock CoverGlim-Glam on DeviantArt

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Super Ponybeat Vol. 100 Mock Cover



At long last, we've finally reached 100 covers. 100 covers in the Super Ponybeat Project, and only 100 more to go... Well, considering many of these covers are already made, I might even get this series wrapped up before summer begins! (Now watch, as I've just jinxed myself... xP)

The original 100th volume cover was pretty plain all by itself, so I spruced it up with the presence of some ponies. Nothing spectacular, really. If for some reason you'd rather have no ponies gracing the cover of this, then fear not, for there is a "vanilla" version available, without the ponies. You can find that over here.

Now then... Let's see how quickly I can wrap up the other half of this series, eh? XD

...And now for the long list of vector credits.

Lyra Vector:…

Artist: :iconpirill-poveniy:

Rainbow Dash Vector:…
Artist: :iconredpandapony:

Screwball Vector:…
Artist: :iconmrsexsymbol:

Derpy Vector:
Artist: N/A

Scootaloo Vector:…
Artist: :icondeadparrot22:

Check out the rest of the SPB Project in the Gallery!
Image size
1700x1500px 933.25 KB
© 2014 - 2025 Glim-Glam
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Pirill-Poveniy's avatar
Thank you very much for using my vector! And congrats on reaching 100 covers!