Midnighters: the secret hourgiuly--chan on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/giuly--chan/art/Midnighters-the-secret-hour-138535252giuly--chan

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giuly--chan's avatar

Midnighters: the secret hour



Midnighters...I really loved this trilogy [even if I didn't like too much how it ended..I mean..how crueeel T__T but I'm still in love with scott westerfeld and his books..he's a genious!!: D) however..when I read this scene in the first book I felt really inspired and so..I decided to paint it xD [even if I don't like very much how it went out.. and yes..the moon had to be BLACK but I made it white to make the picture looks brighter, and the colors had to be more...blue but..then everything would have been too "flat" xD!!] I hope you'll like it also if I made these little.."changes" ^^; and..oh it's an "oil on cotton sheets" u_u
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2000x1368px 4.09 MB
© 2009 - 2025 giuly--chan
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HEARTillness's avatar
è una bellissima serie! Anche se i miei personaggi preferiti non sono affatto loro due, anzi.
La mia preferita è Meredith <3