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Rainy Day (animated)



Hey everyone~ (´▽`)ノ

I don't exactly remember when I started this, but I know I've been doing this on and off for some months now. I'm busy with life stuff. :3

And it took me so long to finish this because I messed up the layers! There was a time I couldn't remember the arrangement of layers, it was driving me crazy, really. It was a bloody mess. (╯°Д°)╯

But now, I am really happy I've finished it. Thank God. :hug:

This is the most complicated pixel animation I've ever done. Well, not that I made a lot of pixel works in the past. ;u;

By the way, this piece is an animated version of one of my works:
Rainy Day by Ginryuzaki

It's my first time doing pixel dithering too! I hope I didn't overdo it. And hope you like it~ :heart:

Everything drawn in SAI, dithers and animation in Photoshop. 56 frames.


Other animated pixel works:
Across the Rainbow (animated) by Ginryuzaki APH - My Pixel Winter by Ginryuzaki Sweets Overload! by Ginryuzaki
Image size
450x487px 310.5 KB
© 2014 - 2024 Ginryuzaki
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Lunifer2's avatar
I like the plants and mushrooms, and I think the rainbow's colours going the other way looks pretty cool.