Christmas is the time of Year when Giving and Sharing is in focus!
I will give you prizes and you will share with the community and friends "A Daily Task" you have been given by me.
Sounds like a good deal? OK, then let me explain to you how the challenge will work.
Each day, from December 1st till December 24th you will be given one task. They will be all different, and rather easy to do. Many of the tasks should be completed within a short space of time, though others may have longer deadlines.
Each day I will post a comment link combined with the days task to which you should reply to with the link to your entries. This way I can keep track of your entries more easily. No notes please, only replies to my comments will count as valid entries. Please add the date you refer to as well, in case you enter the wrong task we can still make you aware of that.
Hover over the dates in this journal to see your Task for the Day or older ones that still have an open deadline. If hover is disabled it means that either the deadline has passed or future tasks have yet to be published.
Out of all the members that enter one lucky person will be picked to receive the daily prize.
Prizes will always be announced together with the task, that way you can decide whether you want to join that days task or wait for a more suitable one. Prizes will vary depending on the difficulty of the task.
All winners will be announced once the project is over and all deadlines are reached.
This means daily journal updates (as per previous years). If you don't like that, unwatch my journals during december!
And looking up for the source code won't help to get the task earlier, there is nothing added before ;)

Think of a Seasonal/wintery idea for a user-script that could style members profiles or dA front page during the festive season.
Submit to deviantART Related > deviantART Suggestions.
Link me to your entry here:…
Deadline: 6th December
Prize: 50 Points by nikkittie
Additionally i might try to make a real user style of the winning entry. Depends on the idea.

Have you ever made a Snowman? Have you ever wondered how moonbeam13 would make one ??
Create a 3-5 box cartoon strip titled "How Danie makes a snowman".
Submit to deviantART Related > Devious Fun > Miscellaneous or Cartoons & Comics.
Link me to your entry here:…
The winner will be chosen by moonbeam13
Deadline: 20th December
Prize: One emoticon keychain complete set

Create and share a Christmas/seasonal Literature Template… or Texture.
Upload to Resources & Stock Images > Literature Template or Resources & Stock Images > Textures
Remember all work is to be created by you!
Link me to your entry here:…
Deadline: 13th December
Prize: 3 Months Premium Membership

Create a Christmas/Seasonal card for a fellow deviant and show it to them once finished.
Any artistic medium can be used.
Link me to your entry here:…
Deadline: 10th December
Prize: One brush Pack by SilverPixiGirl + 100 Points

Fella will be spending a few days at the North Pole over the Holidays
(we think it has something to do with dA doing secret stuffs with Elves in pink undies ) ,where he plans to go snowboarding with his friend Perky Penguin.
We would like you to design a spiffy Snowboard for Fella, so he can be the belle of the peaks.You can use this template for your design…
though both traditional and digital media is accepted.
Submit too > Designs & Interfaces> Industrial & Product Design
Don't forget to credit if template is used, or any other resources.
Link me to your entry her:…
Deadline: 10th December
Prize: A small print from teddybearchollas gallery(8"by 10" or smaller) + 60 Points

Be Creative, think out of the box! Make or artistically create a Gingerbread house decorated with all the fun aspects of deviantART.
Yep we are talking logo's, fellas, llamas, emots, sparkles, staff, santas, volunteers.........
Link me to your entry here:…
Deadline: 24th December
Prize: One Fella plushie

To Illuminate ('illuminare') letters means to decorate, adorn, embellish and endow with splendor. In the middle ages ( before printing and digital techy things) monks would copy manuscripts by hand with natural quills and illustrate borders and letters within them with rich colors, Gold and Silver.
We would like you to choose a letter of your choice and Illuminate it, both digital and traditional media are accepted.
Submit to Traditional Art >Typography > Miscellaneous or Digital Art >Typography >Calligraphy
Here is a little tutorial if any of you are interested to see the process today, though we do not expect you to do this. Just have fun and use your fantasy.…
Link me to your entry here:…
Deadline: 18th December
Prize: 3 Months Premium Membership

Hufflepuff is a Blue dog from Mexico, he has never celebrated Christmas but has heard many rumours about it. Together with his friend Strawberry (who is a dancing crab) they set off together in search for Christmas.
I would like you to write a short story telling us of Hufflepuffs and Strawberries adventure to find Christmas. I have given you some info about the characters above, but would also like to have included a "pink wig", "Chocolate" and "BBQ sauce" in the story.
Stories should be submitted to Literature > Prose > Fiction > Fantasy > Short story
Link me to your entry here:…
The winner will be chosen by Thiefoworld
Deadline: 16th December
Prize: One open commission by Thiefoworld

Write a poem to cheer someone up! The person should be a member of deviantART.
Submit to >Literature > Poetry
Link me to your poem here:…
Deadline: 15th December
Prize: One free manip by xEquinexCreationsx + 100 Points

Design a Christmas /Holiday gift tag that can be shared by being downloaded to members on deviantART size no larger than 375 X 375
Link me to your entry here:…
Deadline: 12th December
Prize: One keychain of winners choice (dA Icon, llama or emoticon)

Rudolph is feeling sad, Prancer forgot to pick up his Antler Ornaments so he needs your help decorating his Antlers ready for the Festive season.
You can use the template provided…
Link me to your entry here:…
Deadline: 13th December
Prize: 100 Points by *Drake1 + One chibi line art by Lawl-Sheep

Write a seasonal journal featuring a minimum of ten Christmas/Seasonal related deviations that have no more than 40's fav's.
Link me to your journal here:…
Deadline: 14th December
Prize: One custom stamp by gracelessnight + 100 Points

We all know that dxd likes hot cars so for this task you have to build and decorate him an awesome snazzy Car, using milk cartons/containers and anything else lying around at home. Don't forget, be creative!
Link me to your entry here:…
The winner will be chosen by dxd
Deadline: 21th December
Prize: One dA t-shirt of your choice…

Design or decorate a festive dA logo.
Link me to your entry here:…
Deadline: 16th December
Prize: One fully coloured chibi drawing by *Lawl-Sheep + 100 Points

Recycle: Be Creative! Make a seasonal Decoration out of something we would all have at home. Post it combined as a tutorial (or info added in your description) as to how it was made and what materials were used so others can create it as well. Upload to Resources & Stock Images > Tutorials> Artisan Crafts.
Link me to your entry here:…
Deadline: 23rd December
Prize: 3 Month Premium Membership

Write a humorous letter to PinkSanta. It should be about the cookies you ate, but that were meant to be for PinkSanta.
Link me to your entry here:…
Deadline: 20th December
Prize: 200 Points by ♥ MissChocci (given by me) + a secret special gift by ♥ MissChocci.
The special gift will require your address and shouldn't be taken too serious. Just join if you are up for fun!

This task needs a little detective work.
Choose one $Staff member or ^Community Volunteer. Get to know them a bit by: checking out their ID, gallery and maybe some of their journals, see what makes them tick and what they enjoy. From the info you collect we would like you to describe or visualize in a humorous way how you think they would celebrate Christmas.
Nothing offensive please!
Submit too >deviantART Related > Devious Fun > Miscellaneous
Link me to your entry here:…
Deadline: 24th December
Prize: One keychain of winners choice (dA Icon, llama or emoticon)

Imagine a little room with only a small table and chair standing in the middle. The window glass is broken and snow is falling into that room. The wooden floor below the window is already covered with snow and on top of that little snow pile you see something glowing…
Describe with no more than 150 words what happened there or what will happen soon.
Link me to your entry here:…
The winner will be chosen by Exillior
Deadline: 23rd December
Prize: 1 Month Premium Membership (or 396 Points)

♥Ginkysparklepants has been a real bad gurl this year, rumor has it that she has stolen PinkSantas Sparkles and is hoarding them in a secret place till the Holidays are over. PinkSanta has not taken this too lightly, and has sent one of his Elves to visit the mischievous ♥Ginkysparklepants to see if she can be persuaded to return them. As a gesture the elf has given ♥Ginkysparklepants a gift in exchange for the Sparkles.
Your task is
1. To tell us what you think the gift is?
2. Write a caption to… telling us what ♥Ginkysparklepants said when she opened the gift?
Deadline: 24th December
Prize: One sticker pack of winners choice + 50 Points

There was such a kerfuffle at the pinksantas village post office this morning. Rumor has it that after a long day on the peaks Fella and Percy Penguin drank too much special cocoa which resulted in Fella and Percy prancing through the village dressed in pink Tutu's, playing amok with decorative things, hiding the all the elves shoes and breaking the special machine that makes holiday stamps!
Your task is to create a Christmas/Holiday stamp for PinkSanta.
Templates you can find here§ion=&q=stamp+template
Link me to your entries here:…
Deadline: 24th December
Prize: 123 Points

Search for a Christmas/seasonal deviation and write a critique for it. If you are a non premium user, write it as a regular comment.
Make sure the artist has requested for critique of given deviation first.
Link me to your critique here:…
Deadline: 23rd December
Prize: One custom stamp by GinkgoWerkstatt + 111 Points

Nominate someone who should get todays prize(see below). Tell us the dA name of the person and why you think that they deserve it.
We would prefer suggestions of people that aren't overpopular yet.
Leave your suggestion here:…
Deadline: 23rd December
Prize: 130 Points

Drama llama is feeling a bit left out, he was on the phone to Fella last night who was bragging about his new Christmas cape.
Using Muro, draw Drama LLama with a snazzy Christmas/holiday cape.
Link me to your entry here:…
Deadline: 25th December
Prize: An open request by nikkittie + 100 Points

The holidays cannot be perfect for everyone, sometimes things do not go as planned, and sometimes they go silly and crazily wrong.
We would like you to tell us of your past Holiday Bloopers.
Link me to your entry here:…
Deadline: 25th December
Prize: 94 Points + another secret prize by ♥ MissChocci
The special gift will require your address and shouldn't be taken too serious. Just join if you are up for fun!