GinkgoWerkstatt on DeviantArt

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Pink Winterwonderland



Gingerbread house made for a competition and won gold with it. The task was to create a gingerbread house with lights that has two or more floors. Compared to the other pieces my work looked like a miniature house. :3 by yarjor 

Decideded to go for a non-typical look and do my own little winter fairytale.

:pointr: You can see more photos of details and the other sides at my facebook page…

Icon by ginkgografix Find more of my works and WIPs at the GinkgoWerkstatt

© GinkgoGrafix/GinkgoWerkstatt | Anne Lindemann
Do not use or redistribute in any way without written permission.
Image size
1000x667px 379.46 KB
© 2017 - 2024 GinkgoWerkstatt
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fantasygirl2000's avatar
Is it a cake or a cookie?