Black magicianGingler on DeviantArt

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Gingler's avatar

Black magician



This is one of my oldest paintings...
man I need to start painting again

But of course photoshop is faster :|
(or I don't try that hard to get things right)

This painting is like...5 years old or something like that
(now I know why artists write the dates on their painitngs |D I'll start doing that)

black magician from chocobo racing <3 I love that game
I don't care if everybody says it's a mario ripoff :1 I love it

black magician(c) squaresoft
Image size
842x1062px 1.51 MB
© 2011 - 2025 Gingler
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Visualshok's avatar
jajaja recuerdo la primera vez que te vi dibujarlo y yo aah esas son sus bubis? xDDD