Pony Couple Generator v1.0GingerFoxy on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/gingerfoxy/art/Pony-Couple-Generator-v1-0-738378771GingerFoxy

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GingerFoxy's avatar

Pony Couple Generator v1.0



Need inspiration for a ShipFic? Never decided on your ultimate OTP? Love shipping for the sake of it and don't need a reason why?
You're in luck - this little flash game is here to help. 
Love Explore the magic of random shipping. Generate your one true pairing now! Love 

UPD: The master file's been updated to version 1.0

The pony selection is still limited, but I'm already working on the next update. It'll be Chaos-themed, so you'll definitely get Discord.

I'm about to make a multi-fandom version of this generator. Both versions will be updated with new ponies. Let me know which fandoms you'd like to see added. Though my patrons will decide which one is added first :)

:star: Hope you enjoy. And if you can, please consider supporting this economically-challenged artist on Patreon :star:
Image size
600x600px 447.17 KB
© 2018 - 2025 GingerFoxy
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AngelsBACA's avatar

i cant find a link to this generator