Pony Comic Generator v1.01 - Vacation UpdateGingerFoxy on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/gingerfoxy/art/Pony-Comic-Generator-v1-01-Vacation-Update-682817608GingerFoxy

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GingerFoxy's avatar

Pony Comic Generator v1.01 - Vacation Update



You never asked for it, but here you go! Not exactly canon, visually inconsistent, Rarity's cutie mark is different for no apparent reason... I hope it's still fun.
It was inspired by the Cyanide and Happiness random comic generator
. Of course, this one has no mature content.
I work with Flash MX and
, therefore, ActionScript 2.0, meaning there's no easy way to implement a save function. If you have a doable solution, please let me know.
DoomenGloom  wrote Pinkie's movie monologue and drew a certain Marvel character in two panels.

: The master file's been updated to version 1.01 - There's 60 more panels to play with, bringing it to a total of 360.
If it doesn't work, you can always download the file and run it through a SWF player of your choice.

I do intend to keep updating this, but I need to prioritise paying work. If you'd like to help me gain a bit more freedom, please check out my  Patreon account.

Pinkie Pie Eyebrow raising Emote :star: So check out my Patreon. You know you want to! :star: Rarity Wink

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Rosyundertaledk's avatar

How do I play this? I played it before, but now it's not letting me do anything ;-;

If you want some laughs, here are some images I took before:

Worth it!
Haha.. rares