News 7/20/2012

14 min read

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GIMPArtistsUnite's avatar
Welcome to GIMPArtistsUnite!  

Group Rules:…


News and Updates:

:new: Only four entries in the contest.  They will be posted sometime in the next week.  I am not sure when.  But it will be a couple of months before I can pay anyone anything that I owe them.  I have had some real life stuff come up that is so far more important than anything on here is.

I have a son who is Autistic, and he has yet two other problems that I have to fix.  According to Children's Hospital in my area, it is common and everyone is born with it, just 90% of us never know that we have a pocket of skin in our throat that has a small cyst in it.  Nothing to do with cancer or anything like that.  But my son got an infection in his and it swelled up.  Look like he tried to swallow a golf ball and it got stuck in his neck.  And he has a hole in his ear drum that is going to need to be surgically fixed as well.  And I am on a limited amount of money each month.  So for a few months, I won't be able to pay anyone any of the subs that I owe.  

What I Owe and to who:

BlazingChaos 6 months of 12 paid.---Owe a six month payment.
Missvirginia 6 months of 9 paid.---Owe a three month payment.
iAmoret To be announced.
Cyren-Nalini To be announced.
:devunknonoo8: To be announced
InternetKnight To be announced

Sorry for the trouble everyone.  But taking care of my son takes preference over anything to do with DA.  Give me a couple of months and I will be able to start doing it again.

Sadly I only got three people that entered my Independence Contest.  I had SO MANY of you saying how art only isn't fair, that some photomanipulators couldn't draw whatever and so I held an Independence contest that is officially over.  I will announce the winners in just a few days.

Also in a few more days I will have the last payment for Missvirginia and one more for BlazingChaos and next month I will start on the payments for subs to the three that entered the contest.

Also in other news, for those of you that do still actually read my journals, I am going to be stepping away from this one for a few weeks, well actually, I am going to go inactive on ALL my groups for a few weeks, so that I can get FULLY organized, go through the featured folder here and sort ti out, do the same basic thing on a few others.  And I want to really get back into writing THOF and doing stuff for it.  So I please ask, that unless you are trying to ask the group a question, send me a personal note to my name LKHanamura  otherwise please just wait until I have the time to look into it.

Okay new update on the contest.  I am going to add a new element to the contest and I am going to extend it two weeks so that gives others time.  SCROLL DOWN TO THE CONTEST RULES!  ON DOWN YOU WILL SEE IT.

Payments made on subs for art valentines contest.

BlazingChaos 3 months of 12 paid.  
Missvirginia 6 months of 9 paid.
BlazeImpact 6 month sub for contest paid in full.
Magzey99 3 month sub for contest paid in full.

Is anyone else going to join my photomanip contest?  There is another full month left to get something in.  It DOES NOT HAVE TO BE ABOUT THE AMERICAN INDEPENDENCE!  The theme is Independence.  It is whatever that means to you, your countries or peoples independence.  I do wish that others would join it.  It will end on August 1, 2012.

In other news, I will be giving out the second part of the subs that I owe to the last three people this coming Monday.

Also to those of you that are horse artists out there, been looking for someone to get a commission from?  Check out :iconshinnymane1: She is an awesome artist and infact did the art in my journal for LKHanamura for me as a commission.  Check her out!

Updates in what has been paid by me to past contest winners:

BlazingChaos 3 months of 12 paid.  
Missvirginia 3 months of 9 paid.
BlazeImpact 3 months of 6 paid.
Magzey99 3 month sub for contest paid in full.

The new contest is about to start!  Scroll on down for details about the contest.  And on another note, I am sorry but the way that the money is going this month, I didn't get as much as I thought that I would get.  So I will not be able to give everyone the subs that I still owe them from 4 months ago.  But I will give you all, 1st through 4th places will get a three month sub this month.  Each month from now on I will give you all that I still owe, for the next four months, a 3 month sub.

Group New Rules are here:…

Update on the Valentines Contest.  Nut-Bar has been given their one month sub.   BlazingChaos, Missvirginia, BlazeImpact, and Magzey99 will all get their subs on June 5th.  all paid in full.

And don't forget that in about three weeks give or take the Independence them starts!  Do something that centers around your countries independence or another countries.  Whatever you want so long as it is an Independence them! That contest will officialy start on June 1, 2012 and will run through July 4th, 2012.

First and foremost I would like to say it here as well, Stephanie-inlove thank you for all your work that you did when this group was still just a baby so to speak.  I know it would not be nearly as big as it is now if not for your help when it started it out.  If you ever want your spot as co-founder back then just say something and it is yours!  Thank you so much for all your help.

Well the other day i updated and said that i was having trouble with my GIMP and trying to use the colorize and what not. So two days go I downloaded GIMP 2.8 and have been doing it every since. I must say that there are no problems so far with it either. According to there is a stable version of 2.8 also. I am on my ipod now so I can not give the link but I will update again later with the link but if you go to this site http:/ and click on the downloads page you will find the link to he stable one.

Is it just me or is everyone else out there having problems with GIMP2.6 right now?  All day yesterday I was playing with the tutorial that Missvirginia did about the stary night sky and it worked great.  Today, no matter what option I choose, anything under the dropbox for Color, the Colorize, Hue, threshold, all of it soon as I click on it, GIMP stops working the just closes on me.  Anyone else out there having this problem?

:iconmissvirginia: said that if BronzeHalo told her that she could That she would convert her tutorial on how to do a stary sky with clouds of different colors and what not.

BronzeHalo's tutorial is here:…

Missvirginia's tutorial is here:…

I can't wait to try it out and thought that the rest of you in GIMP world would want to also!

In each section, each time it is updated by whoever, will have the :new: symbol next to it.  The old entry will have the symbol deleted off of it as well.

Right now in news and updates, the Rules will be posted tomorrow.  And I have a question for all you GIMPers out there that really do read the journals.  First off, BronzeHalo uses photoshop and did this tutorial on how to make these sorts of skies and what not:… question to the wonderful community of GIMP is does anyone know how to do this in GIMP?  Or at least tell me how I change the color of the clouds in the "Render/Different Clouds" part of GIMP.



This is for all the contests that we hold as a group, and also as a directory of contests that those of you members have.

Group Contest: Independence Day.
Details I have right now: It is the indpenedence day for your country, or however YOU want to celebrate it.  So long as it has something to do with a Independence Day somewhere.  I was going to have it just for the USA Independence Day but thanks to Neidonkorento pointing out that this is a world group, and it should be a world wide theme, I changed it.  More details will be posted on June 1st along with the prizes.

Members Contests:

:new: :iconthesilentnumber: Has a campaign going.  Details here:……

:icontarynnefdt: Has a photomanip contest running.  Information found here: mary-jane-stokely.deviantart.c…


:new: GIMPArtistsUnite Photomanip contest!

When I did my valentines contest, I wanted art only and said no to Photo manipulation people, and had it pointed out and made me realize that it really wasn't fair.  Some can do some amazing things using manipulation but have NO talent at drawing.  So this contest is just for those that do photomanipulation.


:bulletblue: Must be about Independence.  Your countries Independence, the Independence of a country you like.  Something that represents a person, country or nation's independence.  Or it can be what you think Independence means for a people, nation, country, ect.

:bulletblue: Photo Manipulation only, must provide links to the stock you used in the artist comments.

:bulletblue: Make sure that it goes by DA rules.

:bulletblue: For your entry to count it must go in the folder "Independence Contest"


Contest will go Until August 1st 2012, two months for you to get your contest entries in so that EVERYONE who wants to join has time to get it ready.


I will take prize donations if you want to donate prizes.  Just send a note to the group and this journal will be updated with your donation.

First Place: 1 year sub from me.
100 Points from TarynNefdt Will be given by me since she already sent them all to me.

Second Place: 9 month sub from me.
100 Points from TarynNefdt Will be given by me since she already sent them all to me.

Third Place: 6 month sub from me.
100 Points from TarynNefdt Will be given by me since she already sent them all to me.

Fourth Place: 3 month sub from me.
100 Points from TarynNefdt Will be given by me since she already sent them all to me.

Fifth Place 1 month sub from me.
100 Points from TarynNefdt Will be given by me since she already sent them all to me.

That is it.  I wish you all good luck!

Announcements about GIMP:

I have been so buisy doing other things around my house in real life sadly i am not sure what new releases and what not there are for GIMP.  Those of you who know what is new with it, then please note me or the co-founders and let me/them know what is going on in GIMP and this part of the journal will be updated by one of us.


Weekly Feature

This is to show you all that we love having your pictures and resources and tutorials in this GIMP group.  So as a thank you back to you all, I have decided that I am going to have the final part of this journal for a feature.  For May and June it will just have ten links listed bellow, but come July I am going to pay the money and make this a super group!  Then it will be updated with the thumbs.

Every Sunday, I will randomly select a member and then pick ten pictures from their gallery and they will be featured in this journal!  


That is the end of the journal.  I hope you all found the information you wanted to know about.  If it is not covered please send the group a note and let us know what other section that you would like to see for this journal.  It will be added to give you all the information that you want to know about.

Have a great day and remember GIMP ON!

© 2012 - 2025 GIMPArtistsUnite
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Cyren-Nalini's avatar
Completely understandable! I hope everything works out for your son :).