I'm a Costuming, Gaming, Comic Book Readings, Cooking and Caffeinated nerd from Toronto.
I've been costuming since 2005 and have been a nerd since birth. Saturday morning cartoons started my addiction to Batman which has only evolved over the years.
I've added *NEW* prints to my online print shop! Including Bombshell Batwoman, Captain Cold and my Dark Phoenix Bikini *o*
I've decided to sell some of my costumes since my storage space is limited. All the costumes are in excellent condition and need a new home. Listed prices do not include shipping, I can calculate shipping costs for interested parties. Local pickup is available for those in the Toronto area. Payment through Paypal only. Feel free so send me a message here or through my email address gillykins.cosplay@gmail.com
Sue Storm- http://gillykins.deviantart.com/art/Sue-177475137?q=gallery%3Agillykins%2F7170795&qo=48 [SOLD]
Asking Price: $100 + shipping
Costume Pieces: Bodysuit and gloves
Costume is a size medium from Heroes in Tights.