4th Valentine

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gillianivyart's avatar

Valentine Feature Ten

To join, comment on the main article!

Valentine feature meme, 4th of 10.  For more details, follow the article link on the right.  Basically, I'm doing a 10 part feature, with the first 9 to comment being featured and my first feature, the person who I got the meme from.

:iconcaska1979: caska1979

InsOmnia by caska1979

Natale al tramonto by caska1979

A little about Sara

I've bumped into Sara several times via our group circles.  Journal skinning has really connected me with the community on DA and it's great to see so many varied artists with an interest in coding and design.  I know very little about her other than she is from Italy.  But exploring her gallery today, I find a wonderful assortment of abstract and conceptual photography.

First I would like to highlight a helpful resource she has created.  An HTML guide for DeviantART which is essential for coders and non-coders alike.  It's hard to know what all works on DA, especially since the site is ever changing with new released functionality.  So maybe even old school code afficionados can find something useful as well.

Journal Skin-Less by caska1979

I mentioned photography, right?  ;D  I love her style!  I think you might agree she has a keen eye for texture and aesthetic.  And my favorite, night photography.

Visit her Gallery for more eye candy

Foto tes Sara by caska1979

Sara Zanella

M.P. Il Bacio by caska1979

PreSent by caska1979
I hope you've enjoyed this gallery feature, perhaps visit her profile and fave the article if you liked it.  Be sure to take a look at the first article and the archives for more great features.  

Thanks for stopping by!

Feature Articles

Valentine Feature TenA feature meme has been going around DA.  The first people to comment here will be featured.  They, in turn should each do their own feature journal, with the first person they feature be whomever they got the meme from.  So, in my feature, I shall feature the person I got the meme from, and she will be featuring me in her list.  The next 9 people to comment will each be added to my list and get their own feature.For a twist on mine, I've decided to do a Valentine theme and as an article.  I have a love for skinning articles, so it is a pleasure to do. UPDATE: All slots are full I now have my ten, but please, feel free to start your own me... Valentine Feature #2I'm doing ten features for Valentine's.  If you would like to be featured, be one of the first to comment on the article to the right.  There, I'll keep a list of all the features.  Please fave the main article! :heart: :iconthe--last--hope: :devthe--last--hope: :thumb281026017: The--Last--Hope, aka Bradley has quickly become a friend of mine on DeviantART.  He's very approachable and helpful.  And his enthusiam for all things DA is contagious.  He has become a prominent member when it comes to DeviantART Related.  He's very active in the community, notably with his continuing series, " A Week in DA Related " .  Currently on it's 28th a... Valentines #3:iconsilverpixigirl: :devsilverpixigirl: It is my pleasure to introduce Ms. Pixi, she is the third to comment on my feature meme (see link on the right to participate and rules).  Which gives me a lot of joy to present her, as she has become a friend on DeviantART.  Her constant words of encouragement and extension of friendship has really brought me into the DA modding community. CSS Anyone? As I said, she and I met via mutual groups we particpate in.  I can't remember how the ice was broken, it seemed like we became instant friends.  I'm sure we've hijacked a number of threads with our back and forth rapport.  Sorry!  hahaha.  So, let m... 4th Valentine
Valentine feature meme, 4th of 10.   For more details, follow the article link on the right.  Basically, I'm doing a 10 part feature, with the first 9 to comment being featured and my first feature, the person who I got the meme from. :iconcaska1979: :devcaska1979: :thumb259082469: A little about Sara I've bumped into Sara several times via our group circles.  Journal skinning has really connected me with the community on DA and it's great to see so many varied artists with an interest in coding and design.  I know very little about her other than she is from Italy.  But exploring her gallery today, I find a wonderful assortment of abstrac...
Valentine VFeature Meme number 5 of 10   To participate, please check the main article on the right.  Even if you do not make it in on this series, you can start up your own.  (or comment on the people who have started them off of me, I'll collect their links as I get them on the main article).  Which Winter (yes, her name is Winter!!! :love: ) has already posted hers: http://fav.me/d4oouoo Thank you for jumping the gun and featuring me, and with one of my own skins! :hooray: :iconblissful-creations: :devblissful-creations: One thing to know about Winter, above all else is her amazingly honest and open heart.  She bares it brazenly, screaming "This... Sixth ValentineThank you everyone who is following this series for all your great comments and faving.  I'm glad you're enjoying the features.  I am now on the sixth one, and still have some slots available.  If you would like to be featured, please take a look at the first article (on the right) and add a comment.After the series is finished, I may be releasing this as an installable skin.  Be forewarned, for it to work to it's fullest extent, it is very HTML heavy.  Though it will be usable for plain entry, to get all the layouts to work, it requires HTML knowledge.  I spend about an hour or so writing each of these articles.  (maybe longer, not really... Valentine's Seventh:iconjamminjo: :devjamminjo: Feature #7 JoAnn is a photographer and an instant friend. We met via :devdevnews: group where she is a major contributor to the article collections.  One thing immediately caught my eye.  Right under her profile name in her tag line "Deaf Photographer".  On DeviantART, everyone has a certain level of internet anonymity.  We're all the same, we don't notice things like visual or hearing impairments like you would if we met face to face.  I studied American Sign Language in high school to better communicate with a friend.  I learned a lot about the culture, it gave me better understanding of my friend, more than ... Eighth Valentine:iconm-intimacy: :devm-intimacy: Gemma is a multi-talented artist and a quirky fun deviant I've enjoyed a lengthy rapport with.  I'm not sure how long we've been watching each other's works.  She always brings a smile to my face when she comments on my work.  And I'm always curious to see what comes next from her gallery.  It is varied, from insightful and inspiring to silly and sexy, or other times it might just surprise you.:thumb201270699: :thumb195691030: :thumb198738469: :thumb253594252: :thumb210967842: And in between Traditional and Digital, Fantasy and Reality She is working on game design, some interesting stuff.  She has a nu... Ninth ValentineI'll be posting 9 & 10 today. Yesterday I spent most my time in the :devecssercise: chat event.  So didn't get to posting my current feature.  But I did get some excellent feedback on this skin which will help in getting it ready for Valentine's release.  :devginkgografix:, what do you think about the text-shadow now?  For now, I present to you... :iconjenrox94: :devjenrox94: :bigthumb208312039: Artist | Student | Photography I actually don't really know Jen at all, but first impressions are supposed to mean a lot right?  My first impression is that she rocks!  It says so in her name, besides, she has a chronic case of sarcasm of the mout... Belated Valentine Feature:iconphlum: :devphlum: :thumb252231996: Sorry to :devphlum: for being so late with this.  I blame Dungeon Defenders!  This is my final Valentine feature for the series.  I hope everyone has enjoyed the articles.  I really enjoyed writing them and having a real in depth look at some of my watchers/DA friends galleries.  I feel like I've gotten to know you all a little bit better. :thumb252847548: :thumb211006587: I've seen Tim around through my daRelated circles.  He's an emoticonist and we share a lot of DA friends.  I'm new to making emotes myself.  I know many people may think emotes are simple or easy, but they are not.  Working on a...

:iconutteringanathema: :iconbradleysays: :iconsilverpixigirl: :iconcaska1979: :iconblissful-creations: :iconriccassley: :iconjamminjo: :icongemmasuen: :iconjenrox94: :iconphlum:
© 2012 - 2024 gillianivyart
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feigenfrucht's avatar
Very personal and I like you show this great kind of friendship :-) Congrats to our amazing Sara to have a friend like this :-)