they who abandoned conquest.
I have heard those of my choir ask me, why
there are only four horsemen of the apocal
-ypse; and why was the fifth spoken as if it
had tarnished the very reason with treason
thus excluding it from the scriptures. They
say, tell us; was in our best interest to wipe
the slate clean of this monster's place in our
history? Was it right to throw the beast of
burden into the pits where lucifer could take
it for his own and allow it to full-fill it's one
and only purpose in life? Such quandaries I
gave not a second thought, for I ought to
know the truth is that no angel nor demon
can ride the five celestial steeds, and out of
those five no man of mortality would be will
-ing to give the forsaken breaker of days what
they want, what they desire for during those
end of the days there will be nothing to left
for her, for them. For tell me my friend what
is the point of conquest when your world is
about to end. Yes it is a fools gamble one that
the greedy and selfish mortals will never