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Troll Bridge - pencils




Pencils done! On to coloring!!

Finally doing art for myself. Getting my story moving. :)
Pet project of mine (which doesn't officially have a name yet) where the protagonist is a troll-hunting sorcerer. YEAH!!!
Still working out the kinks in the story though before i move on to full out comic panels... it's hard to draw and write at the same time. ^^;

Concept sketch here!! --> [link] (hahaha)

and if you were wondering by any chance: "What is that thing between his legs?????"

yes. it's a troll dong.... because trolls in their natural habitat don't really wear pants now do they?

(c) ~Gido

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© 2013 - 2024 Gido
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KetchAKan's avatar
Gloriously hideous troll you got going there. SPAGHETTI IT GOES! :D