Hanging Monkey AvatarGibbyGibson on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/gibbygibson/art/Hanging-Monkey-Avatar-78586197GibbyGibson

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GibbyGibson's avatar

Hanging Monkey Avatar



Well, there's not really much to talk about this one. As you can see, the name basically explains it and there's no deep meaning behind me making it. :D I just wanted to make a monkey.

That and I remembered a conversation I had with a friend, =shuttermonkey in #Thumbsshare about how his username has the word monkey in it, but he doesn't have a monkey avatar. :giggle:

Anyway, if =shuttermonkey wants to use this, it's his, but if not, then it's open for anyone to use (as long as you let me know first).

I'll edit this comment when the time is right.

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© 2008 - 2025 GibbyGibson
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CrazyCoffeCrisp's avatar
I hope you don't mind if I use it, it's so cute ♥