Full Chess SetGibbyGibson on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/gibbygibson/art/Full-Chess-Set-25515617GibbyGibson

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November 25, 2005
Full Chess Set by =GibbyGibson.
Featured by rocksicle
Suggested by mazka
GibbyGibson's avatar

Full Chess Set



:D This one took some time to make, but I enjoyed it nonetheless. I think that I will take the next few days off from making stuff too recollect my mind and rest up.

Anyway, I got this idea after a small conversation with a friend about statues. We were talking about statues, and for some reason, my friend said that statues (if they are on a piller) remind him of chess pieces. I am not sure why, but that sparked my interest into attepting this piece. Of course, I had no idea it would take this long either. :giggle: It is not animated, but if I want too, I can animate it for I fixed it so that I could, at some other point in time; maybe.

:pointr: PhotoShop 7.0
:pointr: ImageReady 7.0

Time: 8 hours (around)
Image size
218x142px 5.43 KB
© 2005 - 2025 GibbyGibson
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Jeana1's avatar

I'm not good at playing Chess.Embarrassed blush

Since I was growing up, I've got Chess, and instead of playing Chess, I played Checkers until I finally have new different board games in 1 box, which also includes Checkers.