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CK scraps 6



Commander Keen fan art-o-rama:

"FOOB -- These are cute, harmless little yellow aliens. In fact, they're scared and will run away from you! By simply touching them, they will explode doing no damage to you." (Source: [link])

This is another one of my practice comics for CK. I will eventually start the (un)official one with the continuing story, but for now this is all I got.

This strip is based on something I used to do in the game all the time just for the pure sadistic pleasure of it. For the strip, it seemed more appropriate to have a Vorticon do it (sans mind-control belt) instead of CK, who is the hero after all.
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1000x308px 115.44 KB
© 2007 - 2024 GIANTninjaR0B0T
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Suikodeniac's avatar
lol, i used to do this... i used to spend the entire levels with these things in just chasing them until they fell in a hole, especially when there were more than one. =D