I wanted to officially share my facebook-page -> HELLO!
and say that my dA premium membership, which was one of those evils that combined with my cranky laptop and led to me having problems being online over the whole year, will end in one week!
(now that everything finally works without hiccups *applauds* *sob*)
That being said.... I wish you all a relaxed and happy winter- aka. Christmas-time!
P.S. I apologize for the slight dA-Spam, while I try to get up to date. :heart:
Hi all!
I have no idea if this entry will ever see the light.
As I've painfully found out over the last year... that my journal entries don't seem to work.
There are just no words.
My resignations is.... present.
The sheer annoyance over lost words.... is indescribable. 8,,,D
But to better news!
I will be in London to visit MCM Expo from Thursday morning til Monday evening~ :heart:
If you want to meet, write me til Wednesday~
My cosplay plan looks something like:
Friday: Rose or Clara from Doctor Who
Saturday: merida from Brave
Sunday: One of those three above! :blowkiss:
If this one works this time.... well... happy tears and finally
It's only been.... years since I updates last! * v *"""
I'm just not good at keeping updates and other stuff when my PC misbehaves.... that makes me more or less insanely lazy. 8,D
Sorry people! <3
But I'm finally stepping up to my internet-lostness! ; A ;
I've come around and made an artist account on facebook around a month ago.
You can find me under the name Gian Marqu, just like here.
And even though I just - don't - get - facebook, I will try to do my best! :blowkiss:
It's cosplay summer-holiday for me now and til Connichi in September I will only be doing shootings (maybe) and visiting friends!
My last conventions were Japan Expo