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Giallo86's avatar

Editorial Mixed Media FX - Photoshop Add-On Action



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An amazing ActionScript for Adobe Photoshop CC+ - multilingual - works with any Image

Use it with FxBox

FxBox is a very powerful Free Photoshop Extension that you can get here. Watch the (Video Available soon) to see how to Load this Effect into the Library of the FxBox and apply it live on a photo. It's very easy!

Works with Adobe Photoshop, in any Language

These ActionScripts have been tested and work with Adobe Photoshop CC2015, CC2017, CC2018 in any language. They have not been tested in ANY language so there's a small possibility of  bugs for arabic or chinese languages. They work with Texts, Paintings, Illustrations and Photos: big thanks to M. Rezania for allowing the preview of this effect with his amazing photographies.

Very Easy to Install and Play With

The code is designed to work with any image, at any resolution and depth. The final result will be in RGB Mode 8-bit regardless of the starting format: remember you can switch back to your settings once the Actionscript have finished.
In case your starting photo is inferior to 3000 pixels it will be resized in order for the Filters and Pattern Deco Scripts to work correctly and always give you a good result.
The Scripts will behave differently basing on your starting area, photo and Document ratio: they will  consistently create more scattered parts around the edges and more solid parts towards the center.

Video Demo

Some Manual Adjustments will always be necessary

It's very Important to know that the Default result has the extra graphics (newspaper, brushes, lines)  always in black color and on a white Background (check the Previews for more).
There's a specific Group of Layers that will always need manual adjustments (White Strokes) because it is very dependant on the starting image.
In the Video Tutorial is showed how to easily modify and customize the artwork depending on your Image and add your own colors and extra detail to really create something polished and professional. In a couple of clicks you will have several artworks to choose from!

A Very Powerful New Tool in the Inventory!

Grab now these Photoshop ActionScripts, they will become part of your daily workflow! If you like Photoshop and photo manipulation this is a Tool you must have.
Create amazing artworks starting from these premade effects and add your touch!

Special Thanks to

The Orange Box - for helping in the realization of this Tool and the integration with the FxBox

Mohammadreza Rezania - for allowing the use of his photographies as Preview of the final Effect

Get this Extension Here

Hello my name is Gianluca Giacoppo, I'm an italian Graphic Designer / Digital Artist.

I've experience in Web and Print design. Working with several International brands and companies in these 10 years I've gathered skills post-processing photos and doing illustrations and graphics for the advertising industry.
I provide only my best for the online community uploading the highest quality Tools and Resources for other professionist graphic designers.
In my Portfolio here you can find a bit of everything: Illustrations, Templates, Interfaces, Mock-ups, Photoshop Actions and Text Effects.

What the buyers say about my items:

  • Gianluca Giacoppo went above & beyond to help me with my design, & instructing me on how to use his effects. Thank you, Gianluca! by ElementX74
  • "Great file, exactly what i was looking for" by StefanGolchert
  • "Yes it does – really great stuff. Uses the same steps I would normally use for a shadow…but automated  Great way to speed things up while designing." by WPExplorer
  • "Superb pack. Very nice. Thanks, man!" by zedd3r
  • "Great job 5 stars!" by aedaddy
  • "Tested and it works great!" by zedd3r
  • "thanks guy , fantastic item & very useful!!! " by MehdiRyah
  • "Handy item, works as advertised. Minor problem was fixed immediately and courteously. Good job." by SBSB
  • "This should the one MUST HAVE action to get! I love, love, LOVE it! I like to simplify my life  Thanks again! You rock" by MissBxx
  • "Really handy. Great work, much appreciated." by hey_funboy
  • "sweet!" by ttheb64
  • "hi, very nice work. thanx" by olblue
  • "you are one of the best around GR! I have a lot of your files…this was is one of my favs! thanks" by Daniel_R
  • "I purchased it before it was featured  It is indeed a great set" by fimbul
  • "Works just as it says. Great tool. Will use often. Thank you very much." by will777
  • "WOW ! Really cool actions! i`m shoked…. Very powerfull.. My old smallest photos have a new life!! Many thx!" by olegtim
  • "I gotta comment on how valuable and powerful is this action. Compare with other plugins and the expensive those plugins are, this cheap enlarge action is stunning! amazing!
    It've saved tons of time and the quality of the unsharp effects is just incredible. There is a lot of science and knowledge behind this. Thanks for this item Giallo…"
    by Daniel_R
  • "Very impressive results. I've been chasing a client for hi-res images only to be told 'the photographer lost them…" Enter this amazing action and I suddenly have lovely punchy hi-res shots to work with.
    Great item, thanks a lot."
    by velocity_uk
  • "Hoping this will give the edge to some images for Photodune that i took before i had a tripod  Thanks Giallo." by joiaco
  • "I love this plugin, just got it a few hours ago…Thanks again guru, very nice action!" by noahjnet
  • "hello giallo, i bought your work and is very nice." by miitiicoo
  • "Nice fun styles. Great quality and attention to detail. Lovely work thanks" by indigochris
  • "I love those styles! They are really a lot of fun – and easy – to work with." by Christian1606
  • "Great work! Icons look amazing!" by olegtim


#abstract #acrylic #art #artistic #brush #colorful #designer #effects #hand #drawn #ink #paint #painting #paper #pencil #sketch #splatter #style #texture #tutorial #watercolor #abstract #acrylic #actions #art #artist #artistic #artwork #canvas #designer #digital #digital #art #effect #effects #mixed #media #modern #modernity #oil #paint #professional #splatter #template #tutorial #watercolor #channel #creative #design #designer #editorial #fashion #grunge #hipster #instagram #media #mixed #paint #pencil #photograph #premium #print #ready #professional #rgb
Image size
1600x2398px 1.93 MB
© 2018 - 2024 Giallo86
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guyvago's avatar

Looks great, can't wait to try it out