I employ a variety of subjects, mediums, and techniques to represent that which, previously, had remained unseen.
Currently operating under the banner of Xiangbala Studio, I've been illustrating since the late '80's, and have been published in books, games, and magazines, as well as on billboards, CD's, murals and textiles.
Once upon a time (and "back East"), I worked as Sharayah Press, doing Renn Fests, Celtic and Scottish Games, and hundreds of SF/Fantasy conventions.
Between 2010-2013, I lived in Changsha, China, studying traditional Chinese ink painting, book and product design.
I'm much more into character development and conceptual art now days, exploring how the applications of different mediums react to each other in ways to deepen the work. Also, I'm currently working on a fourth book (long over-due)!
2014: "One Year After: A Sketchbook." 183 sketches with annotations
2007: "A Life of Ravens" by Alex Ness, with illustrations by Mike Grell, Alex Shiekman, Josh Howard, myself, and 23 other artists and photographers.
2006: "Ink: Images and Essays from Bob Giadrosich." 18 years of gaming, book and magazine illustration.
As always, thanks for looking!
Favorite Characters: Calvin & Hobbes
Personal Quote: "Practice, practice, practice!"
Magnificent collection of canvases, whether black and white, or so marvelous colors
, they are simply remarkable, something to be very proud of your fabulous work.
Hello, Bob. This is Robert Ashcraft.
Your latest work is wonderful. I am only just today back on DA after a long, long hiatus. I have specific reasons for this. I, too, hope you are well, and busy. How is your wife?
I will need a full day, at least, to explore your more recent work. When last I paid attention, you were still in your “China” phase, which I very much enjoyed.
I am now 61. 62 looms. Life inspires awe, for reasons and in ways I would never have suspected it can. My health is very poor, but my happiness level is high. My marriage is a gift and my salvation. Laura loves me.
After sixteen incredible years, I have no idea why.
Lately, Bob, I have been experiencing a series of extremely vivid dreams. As dreams are wont, they involve many blended themes, but high level pencil drawing is always a component. I am able to recall much of these dreams after. More than is “normal” for me. Strong, constant images that I could, for example, if I so wished, use as the basis for a piece.
I have no specifically relatable idea why these dreams have come upon me, but I am seriously considering doing something about it. My musical muse, as it were, is on extended sabbatical, and so I require an alternative creative outlet.
My dreams may be nothing more than a demand from that part of myself. One which, as you know, I have, insofar as drawing is concerned, ignored for a very long time.
I may draw something. I have no aspirations beyond that. I just think I need to draw. I suspected this day was likely to come, at some point, before I die. Perhaps that moment, where I try to recall, for a brief interlude before things end for me, what caused such deep love in me in the early part of my life, has finally come about.
I expect to live between 5 and ten years. Why, does not matter. All that matters to me in this time is my wife, my mind, and just possibly, a need to leave something creatively worthwhile behind. I was an artist before anything else. It was, as you know, a “love-hate” relationship. But it is, as much as anything, who I am.
I make no promises. I have matured that much, at least. But, if I produce anything worthwhile, I would like to share it with you. Specifically with you. Perhaps even only with you, at least to start.
I would also like to talk to you, by email, from time to time, if possible. Of all the souls I have met in the years of my life, you are one who left a deep, deep impression. I no longer speak to my kids. There is no hate in either direction, but they do not live in a world I am able to enter with comfort.
So let it be.
In any case, the number of people I care to speak to at all is profoundly limited, by choice. I speak to a few people online who have interesting things to say.
I would love to correspond with you. Away from any site like this, if possible. My email is robash15@@gmail.com.
I will keep my account here current until I hear from you.
If that does not happen, please always know that I wish you nothing but reward and joy. You are a good man.
I am so glad I knew you, called you my personal friend, and loved the person you are, for a time, in my life. I often miss you, partner. I hope enough time has passed for me to say that I never really cared for Rhonda. She was a coarse woman, and seemed wrong for you. I am confident your lady now has grace and beauty, and a soul that compliments your own.
I also was wrong for you. I am glad that you surpassed and transcended me. Your art is everything a man with your vision, talent and above all cultivated skill, should be able to make for the eyes of the world.
I have never forgotten you, and I never will.