Mass Effect: Tali's Reflectionghostfire on DeviantArt

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Mass Effect: Tali's Reflection



My other Mass Effect art: After the Reaper, Tali in panties, varren riding, etc...
Mass Effect - After the Reaper by ghostfire Mass Effect: Shepard's Present by ghostfire Mass Effect: Scale Itch by ghostfire Mass Effect: The Ashes of Menae by ghostfire Mass Effect - Pick up the Pieces by ghostfire Mass Effect Andromeda - Mission One by ghostfire

Oh god... it's finally finished... I haven't attempted a reflection piece since 2003 or something like that, and definitely not with a costume this complicated. All of those textures... hand drawn... arm, falling off...

It's not the Shepard/Tali romance piece I mentioned, but that's still in the works, along with one of Samara, and a few quicker sketches.

Many of the pieces from this gallery are available as prints on my website at or specifically at the ghostfire market.
Image size
688x900px 922.51 KB
© 2010 - 2025 ghostfire
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love her. A shame she didn't make it in ME3 for me when it came down to her people and the Geth. The Geth deserved a chance, as Shepard said. It was hard to watch but I know I made the right choice siding with the Geth. If you can't make peace then unfortunately Tali and her people have to go. I made the choice and don't regret it for an instant.