Mass Effect - After the Reaperghostfire on DeviantArt

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March 14, 2010
Mass Effect - After the Reaper by *ghostfire The suggester says:"The sheer mastery of emotion with these two seems to flow beyond the edges of the picture and right into your own heart."
Featured by elicoronel16
Suggested by Niraven
ghostfire's avatar

Mass Effect - After the Reaper

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(Garrus Vakarian and my custom build female Shepard from the game Mass Effect 2, for those of you coming in who don't know the source.)

Colonist, sole survivor, vanguard, full paragon... (All on PC - I haven't dusted off the 360 in months.) After not having played the first game when it came out, when ME2 came out, I played both back to back for about 70 hours of great times. I think my proudest moment was bum rushing Harbinger. It was a thing of beauty.

As much as I love femShep/Garrus, I have every intention of producing some Shepard/Tali in the future. And Mordin, Wrex, Legion, Liara... Also, Joker/Kelly. Really, there's very little I'm not inspired by with this series.

And yes, I have seen the single piece of concept art of a nude turian. Until we see one in the game, I'm going with it being just that - a concept. Why the smooth collar ring when everything else we see is scale or segment-like? I'll have to upload my own idea at some point.

My other Mass Effect art - Tali, Mordin, etc!
Mass Effect: Tali's Reflection by ghostfire Mass Effect - A Distance Erased by ghostfire Mass Effect Andromeda - Heir of Freedom by ghostfire Something to Fight For by ghostfire

Mature Content

ME: Nude Turian Concepts by ghostfire
Mass Effect: The Ashes of Menae by ghostfire

Many of the pieces from this gallery are available as prints on my website at or specifically at the ghostfire market.
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1100x864px 1021.79 KB
© 2010 - 2025 ghostfire
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