I'm it! (tagged)

7 min read

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GhostDog401's avatar
I was tagged by....:iconlittlewheat:
1. You must post these rules.

2. Answer the questions that the tagger set up for you, and create 10 new questions for the people you tag to answer.

3. You have to choose 10 people to tag and post their icons in your journal.

4. Go to their pages and tell them you have tagged them.

5. No tag backs to the people that have tagged you.

6. No junk in the tagging section about "you are tagged if you're reading this." You have to tag 10 people.


1. What sports (if any) do you play? Why? Are you any good?
I bounce around a lot, but I just recently got down playing softball and I play basketball a lot

2. What animated character is MOST like you in almost every way? (As in personality or other awesome similarities)
Um…I don't know...Off the top of my head though I'd say M'gann M'orzz/Miss Martain from Young Justice in the sense that I have the "everything in the world is wonderful and there's no evil" kinda personality.
I'm also very eager to please and such….however I did not learn about life through TV Shows XD
Also I feel like I have humor like Kid Flash's from Young Justice and Mickey from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, but I feel like that's when the similarities end with them XD

3. How did you come across DA? Why do you use it? What do you like about it?
Oh that's easy I….I….I…forgot ^^; I wanna say I discovered this artists page (:iconkicsterash:) and then decided to make my own
It also could've been because I wanted to show somebody my art, but they were an internet person (that was a lame statement) so I made a DA to show them and planned to never use it again, even though I still use DA.
But I honestly don't remember

4. Your all-time favorite movie! Why? Who's your favorite character(s)? WHY?
AVENGERS!!! Woot! I love that movie with all my heart and soul! Why you ask? I have one word, superheroes everywhere! (Alright that was two words, but bear with me)
Also my favorite character….you're making me choose?? *sigh* I LOVED Agent Phil Coulson, he was so funny! …and then..and then... they went and killed him!!! :'( Captain America and Hawkeye are also favorites. Cap because out of all the movies that led up to Avengers his is my favorite and I just like Hawkeye…I have no idea why ^^;

5.Who's your all-time favorite Villian- The character you just LOVE to HATE??
I like Trickster from the Justice League Ultimate Cartoon, I thought he was awesome! However I don't love to hate him, if I had to pick based off that I'd say….Golem/Sméagol from Lord of the Rings. I love his personality XD and while I do feel sorry for him most of the time, I do love to hate him XD
Back stabbing on the hobbities

6. Marvel or DC- and WHY. (favorite hero/villian as well?)
Hmmm…that's tough, I'd have to go with Marvel since most of the heroes that I like are there. Spider-Man, Captain America, Hawkeye, ect However I LOVE Flash Clan so ya….
Favorite villain from Marvel is probably Doctor Octupus, I mean come on he has amazing robotic arms!

7. What got you into art? What are you planning on doing with it?
Cartoons…I know that sounds kinda lame…but it's true
I've always loved to draw, but after watching Danny Phantom I realized that the style wasn't complicated and started to copy it…I still can't draw it
Since then I've pulled inspiration from Young Justice and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles…the 2012 version, for whatever reason I'm not a big fan of the 2003 one, or whichever one was before 2012 XD
Anyways my hope and dream is to learn to animate and go on to work for Pixar :D

8. If you were somehow thrown into a world of any movie, comic, TV show, or even videogame- what world would it be? What would you do? Who would you meet?
The Young Justice universe and I would run around screaming because aliens are invading XD
I would meet Wally/Kid Flash, from season 1 when he's funny and then I would be weirded out over the fact he was flirting with me XD
Then I would laugh because Artemis would smack him : P
I also wouldn't mind meeting Bart/Impulse from season two he's cool :D

9. What did/ are you going to college for? What's your career?
Computer animation :D (Pixar here I come!) Does being a student count as a career?? If so I feel like we should be getting paid XD

10.Tell me a TRUE and utterly hilarious story about something you either did or some odd happening that just HAD to happen to YOU.
One time I was trying to quote a movie/book and I said that I saw it when I was either watching a book or reading a movie XD
…..Well I thought it was funny XD

Alright now, ten questions for you guys :D

1.  Who's your favorite superhero(s)? Why?

2. What's your favorite cartoon(s)?

3. What inspires you?

4. If you had to pick one cartoon character to become for a day, who would it be and what would you do??

5. What's the weirdest dream you've ever had?

6. Describe yourself in three words....(this isn't a question, but just roll with it okay XD)

7. Your living your life when suddenly you get kidnapped!! *gasp* What villain has kidnapped you and which hero do you want to save you?
8. What's your favorite color(s)?

9. Can you sing the alphabet backwards?

10. If you could have one superpower what would it be? (Also please don't say the ability to have all powers…that's lame…XD)

Alright ten random people I choose you!
Also if you don't want to make a journal feel free to just answer in the comments :D

© 2013 - 2025 GhostDog401
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FantasyPen21's avatar
Bah. I hate these things....BUT. Because ur mah BESTIE, I will do it. For chu. No one else. Everybody else just....go away....*sits in corner and scrawls in notebook my answers*

1. Who's your favorite superhero(s)? Why?
WELL. AIN'T IT OBVIOUS? ;) Danny Phantom of course. He's just a normal teen, who I can honestly relate to a lot. Overbearing, better in everything sister (honestly. With how ambitious and acedemically great Jazz is, wouldn't you think he'd have a few feelings of her bein better in everything?), few friends that are very close, kinda invisible, small things like that. But I can totally relate to him.

If I had to pick a second one, though, I'd totally pick Kevin from Ben 10: Alien Force and Ben 10: Ultimate Alien. He's a bad guy with good intentions. I mean, he's a good guy now, but he still struggles with bad things he's done in the past. But, he tries to do good things. I really admire him for that. And I'm a sucker for bad boys in cartoons ;)

2. What's your favorite cartoon(s)?
Welllllll. Danny Phantom for sure. And I also like Ben 10: Alien Force and Ultimate Alien, the Buzz on Maggie, Teen Titans, Totally Spies, KND, Avatar: The Last Airbender, Avatar: Legend of Korra, My Little Pony, Gravity Falls, Fosters Home for Imaginary Friends, Recess, 6Teen, occasionally Invader Zim, and a few others that I can't think of off the top of my head. None of them in any particular order.

3. What inspires you?
What inspires me? Well, I guess my determination and my friends. My parents don't really believe in my dream to have my own restaurant, they don't pay attention to my drawing or writing....So, when they put me down, I think to myself "I'll show them" and I work harder at it. But I don't think I'd be able to convince myself to do that if it weren't for my amazing friends and God.

4. If you had to pick one cartoon character to become for a day, who would it be and what would you do??
Well. That's a REALLY hard one. There's so many to pick. Honestly, my list could go on. But, because I have ONE completely thought out, I guess I'd pick Sam from Totally Spies. She's super smart and I love her style. If I were her, I'd work with the girls to take down Jazz Hands---maybe get hypnotized in the process ;). But that's just a random character. I honestly can't answer this one HONESTLY. Get back to me on this one. But give me a LOT of time to think about it!

5. What's the weirdest dream you've ever had?
Okay. So, you're TOTALLY gonna think I'm psycho, but I had a dream with Shawn, Gus, Juliet, Lassiter, and Henry from Psych, and Danny, Sam, Tuck, and a few ghosts from Danny Phantom. We were in a van (I was my character), and Shawn and them had enlisted our (meaning me and Team Phantom) help because a case was SERIOUSLY hinting towards ghosts. We were going SOMEWHERE I guess, and the van was getting attacked by ghosts! Gus was screaming like a girl, Shawn was asking a multitude of questions---specifically about my psychic powers and all about the ghost world---Lassiter was telling everybody to shut up so he could drive, Juliet was telling Lassiter to calm down because we were all nervous and scared, Henry was telling Shawn to pay attention, Danny was trying to answer questions-as was I-and shoot the ghosts out the window at the same time, and Sam and Tucker were also trying to answer questions while shooting the ghosts. I remember specifically Undergrowth, the Box Ghost, and the Lunch Lady being there. And Ember and Skulker, and a few other main ghosts. But it was SOOOOO weird!!!!

6. Describe yourself in three words....(this isn't a question, but just roll with it okay XD)
Introvert, passionate, determined.

7. Your living your life when suddenly you get kidnapped!! *gasp* What villain has kidnapped you and which hero do you want to save you?
Okay. Right away, I've got this. My villain is a fanfiction character, but he's my absolute FAVE. Dazzler, from pearl84's Danny Phantom fanfiction "Checkmate." He's the twin sister to Spectra, and he can, like, control your body and EVERYTHING after he's looked you in the eye ONCE. Like, if you have powers, and ur all flyin in the air, he can just command your body to go back to ur human half, and then next thing ya know, ur fallin out of the sky! He's SUPER powerful. And also, if you look him in the eye, you kinda freeze up and can't look away, and it lets him take away and feed off of your life energy. I'd be saved by Kevin from Ben 10: Alien Force/Ultimate alien or my bully-turned friend-turned bully-turned evil ghost-turned trying to be good ghost OC Levi ;)
BUT if you need a REAL villain and Levi can't save me....Then I guess I'd have to choose Vlad Plasmius, and I'd be saved by Kevin. If Kevin needed help, though, Ben could help too. As long as he's XLR8, Echo Echo, Gooooooop, or THE BEST ONE, Big Chill ;)

8. What's your favorite color(s)?
Most fave? Light blue. Others include purple, normally in a lighter shade, blues, greens, black, silver.

9. Can you sing the alphabet backwards?
Slowly XD And with lotsa hesitations.

10. If you could have one superpower what would it be? (Also please don't say the ability to have all powers…that's lame…XD)
I'd want psychic abilities. Why? Because somebody who is a "psychic" also has a number of other powers that are possible if they have psychic powers. If ya want a whole list, google "list of psychic abilities wiki." Should be the first or second thing that pops up.