The Bastion was silent and dark as always as Circe wove their way through it. They hadn’t encountered any other niravar wandering this place yet, Drakhanite or otherwise. But by now they knew better than to let their guard down.
The next door Circe coaxed open lead them to what looked like a forgotten barracks. It was a fairly bare-bones room, clearly built for purpose over comfort the way you would expect with the military. Even still, despite the cracks and gaping holes in the stone, the room seemed pretty well preserved.
Snow still lay kicked across the stone ground. As if the cold of this place had kept the pawprints here as a memory of the past. Or perhaps… anyway.
Beside the bunks, about half of them at least, lay small chests for personal belongings. The wood was weathered by time and, well, weather. But all things considered they could be in much worse condition. Maybe someone had left something nice behind.
Yet before they could begin rummaging around, a flash of
Biting wind nipped at Circe’s unprotected face just as the frost gnawed on their paws. Both sensations made their muzzle wrinkle with distaste. Sorcas wasn’t always a frozen wasteland. But ever since Drakhan launched their bloody invasion a starving winter became a permanent resident in the once beautiful isles. And with that accursed ice drake of theirs, it may as well always be.
Although, with the help of the Moonshadow Bastion, that may be about to change.
Motion caught their eye and they were quick to duck out of the way. A moment later came the steady, disciplined tramp of armored paws on frozen earth. Drakhan soldiers making their rounds. The mere sight of them made Circe’s lip curl.
Their homeland would not be the frozen, battered wasteland it was now without these glorified murders. They would not be mourning kin had it not been for this army and the havoc that crawled at their heels like a starving dog.
Drakhan was a virus, a disease that did not understand or respect its
Biting wind nipped at Circe’s unprotected face just as the frost gnawed on their paws. Both sensations made their muzzle wrinkle with distaste. Sorcas wasn’t always a frozen wasteland. But ever since Drakhan launched their bloody invasion a starving winter became a permanent resident in the once beautiful isles. And with that accursed ice drake of theirs, it may as well always be.
Although, with the help of the Moonshadow Bastion, that may be about to change.
Motion caught their eye and they were quick to duck out of the way. A moment later came the steady, disciplined tramp of armored paws on frozen earth. Drakhan soldiers making their rounds. The mere sight of them made Circe’s lip curl.
Their homeland would not be the frozen, battered wasteland it was now without these glorified murders. They would not be mourning kin had it not been for this army and the havoc that crawled at their heels like a starving dog.
Drakhan was a virus, a disease that did not understand or respect its
Hello! Welcome in, I'm Mace and I like to design Tokotas!
Status: CLOSED
Reply to be pinged for next open (guaranteed spot) or contact on discord at bearlymace!
Recent Personal Favorites, more being uploaded as we go!
If you have any questions, feel free to ask! These are primarily rough ideas, and can slide up/down. I will confirm price/tier before beginning to work.
Base Price (USD):
$8= Easy (Albino, MCA + Simple Markings, Max Pie)
$15 = Medium
$25-35 = Handkiller (will typically lean towards the lower end)
$10 expression or mane edits ($15 for both)
$2 per hand paint/scar pack
Other items are case-by-case
Conversion Rates/Also Accept:
3000TT = $1
1AR = $2
Will provide simple Tokotas that I need alpha prereqs/other rolls for. You can either toss mine with other ones or tackle multiple of mine in a single roll!
$0.50 Common, $1 Uncommon, $5 Rare, $10 Legendary
HP Tokens
4 = $1
Standard big items:
$25 EH, $20 SoA, $15 FGM
Happy to
Giving Away Tokota Imports by Silver-Ouroboros, journal
Giving Away Tokota Imports
2/5/25 - There's less than 100 Tokos looking for homes now, and with that you may now claim up to 15 Tokos per comment, with a cooldown of 24 hours from the time I've said they've been transferred.
I've been in this group for just over ten years as a player and eight as an admin; in that time I've accumulated a lot of Tokotas and I've decided to thin out the pack.
Just as it says on the tin, I am giving away (most) of my Tokos, for free. I see no reason to profit off of this collection, given that the vast majority of them were acquired for free or for in-game items.
Silver-Ouroboros's Tokotas
Requesting A Tokota (Or Multiple)
I will only respond to comments on this journal, unless you are a former owner (see Order Comment Priority below) and the proof is in Discord, then please send me a message there.
You may request up to ten Tokotas per comment.
You may only request Tokotas once every 48 hours (the timer starts after I've stated the Tokos have been transferred to you).
Wolf's Toko Design Hub by CelestialWolf66, journal
Wolf's Toko Design Hub
Hub is currently: Open!
New year, new journal!
Need a design? Feel free to peruse what I've got to offer!
- Please fill out the form fully
- Genobombs/handkillers may cost extra if no piebald is present
- For rolls, 1 image per week is expected however if you need an extension, just let me know!
- Other forms of payment can either be sent in full or half before & half after when finished
- Any corrections or HU updates are free of charge
- Let me know when the toko bean I designed is ready for a HU / tail lift c:
- PSD will be provided
- Paints and Scar packs are free, for Small & Large items please see below
- Updates and edits can be done before I complete the design
- Design will be completed withing 1-2 weeks max depending on complexity. If something comes up on my end that leads to a delay, I will let you know~
- Please credit me for the design c:
Accepted Payments
- Rolls
- TT
- HP Tokens
2k TT = $1
- Base coat modifiers, restricted coat
Annie's Surprise Semi Designs (OPEN) by Ansoniaa, journal
Annie's Surprise Semi Designs (OPEN)
Do you have a hoard of semi-customs that you don't have designs for? Do you find yourself wondering what to do with the small army locked away in your bank? Look no further; I have a solution!
Here, you can obtain a completely mysterious design for your regular semi-custom for a low price of $25 / 30,000 TT / $25 of in-game items**in game items could be crafting materials, crafted items such as iwa stones, hp tokens, etc.!
- I have full creative liberty over the design unless you state specific markings that you want excluded. What makes this so fun is that you have no idea what you're going to get. It takes away the stress of decision making and designing, and leaves it to me.
-I may add items to the design at my discretion; this may require banked items such as soul pool water, small or large items, meelaniks jinx, sivo charms, special background stones, etc. These items may be large or small, and may involve linework edits.
-All semi-customs will follow the typical
Hey, this will probably sound wierd..but I try to help other artist, who might feel sad and have a bad day. Since I don't really know who could be sad I just select a random person. So idk if you need seeing this (or if it helps) but I wish you a wonderful day and keep doing what you are proud of!
Hey, I see you like ARPGs and stuff, I thought I'd let you know about Kijikaiakus! It's a fun, small group that has a lot of cool events and activities! Your first Kiji is free, with no obligation to join in the group or anything, we also have a Discord if you wanted to chat with some cool people Kijikaiaku are lion/fox noodles that come in a multitude of colors with many traits and markings to make each one unique! Even if you don't join, it'd be nice to have you stop by and check us out!