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gh0std0lls's avatar

[Stamp] Destroy Cringe Culture



My Art Is Not For [Various] by IceOfWaterflock

an important stamp

leave people who like things like undertale/fnaf/bendy and the ink machine/etc
or who ship their oc with a canon character alone instead of trash talking them 
as long as they aren't hurting anybody 
ESPECIALLY if they're kids
(and yes it's perfectly fine not to be into it yourself)

what it doesn't mean: 
ignore people who are causing people harm/bullying people 

just in case it's not obvious

free to use of course

SWEET-ness Heart Divider #1 by Gasara

border by Timarena
font by Abbysol
sparkles by tehmiminator
background by Basti93
Image size
99x56px 4.73 KB
© 2017 - 2024 gh0std0lls
M-0-THS's avatar
i've never agreed more with a stamp in my entire life. 
just let people enjoy what they enjoy instead of laughing at them like some asshole who thinks they're better than everyone else. 
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