Heated GymGexon on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/gexon/art/Heated-Gym-728431630Gexon

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Heated Gym



*After Maxim and Arctic done sparring themself, Aztec confront them for they congrats*

Aztec: Mmmm that's a very good sparring there 

Maxim: Oh uh...thanks uh Mrs uh...

Aztec: Aztec, but you can call me by that name. I heard your codename was "Bad Luck" right? Well here's some good luck for the fight handsome *Aztec give a blowkiss on Maxim*

Maxim: *Maxim looks blush* Ehehehehe

Arctic: *Arctic looks upset and jealousy on Aztec for charming his boyfriend Maxim* Grrrrrrr! <<

Arctic mind: ( That's my boyfriend you blowkiss you!.... DX )

Reminds me of Popeye, the episode call "Never kick a woman"

Maxim "Bad Luck" the cat belongs to me

Arctic the Timberwolf belongs to :iconblu-the-tiger:

Aztec the kangaroo belongs to :iconofficial-stargazer:

Drawn by :iconsonleeforever5:

Image size
1600x1200px 1.96 MB
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FangzyBoy's avatar

Don't betray your bed partner Maxim! Arctic loves you!