Apo flower brushesGex78 on DeviantArthttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/https://www.deviantart.com/gex78/art/Apo-flower-brushes-125205457Gex78

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Gex78's avatar

Apo flower brushes



Brushes made in Apophysis.
This is just some random stuff that comes up, when I play around with the program, and why not make some brushes out of some of them.
The brushes are from 800px and up
And to be used in Photoshop.

Terms of use!!

:bulletpurple: If you use this link back to me!
:bulletpurple: I would appreciate a link to your work, but it’s up to you, just remember that I can’t fave hat I can’t see ;)
:bulletpurple: don’t just change the colors and claim it as your own!!

But most of all have Fun using it
anonymous's avatar
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