Tutorial for how to paint eyesgetty on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/getty/art/Tutorial-for-how-to-paint-eyes-28150743getty

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Tutorial for how to paint eyes



This is the tutorial devoted to painting anime-style eyes, as it was promised in the previous tutorial "SOFT CELL SHADING TUTORIAL".

The version of Photoshop used in the tutorial is 6. If you use later versions, names of tools/modes and/or allocation of shortcut keys might be different.
I'm working on Windows, so if you use Mac please change these notations as: Ctrl to Command, Alt to Option.
Some techniques described in the previous tutorial are used in this tutorial as well. Please refer to SOFT CELL SHADING TUTORIAL, if necessary.

Hope it helps you.
Image size
600x10848px 2.54 MB
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refa23's avatar
Thnks very much