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Deviation Actions

Super 7: Vintage Actions



Oct. 15, 2009: Here's the deal... I'm a busy busy man! I don't have a huge amount of time to devote to making stock and tutorials, but I thought it would be nice to give you all a little present to make up for my obscenely long absences.

SO here it is, some photoshop actions designed to produce some crazy vintage-esque colors. Seven to be exact. He's the scary part though. I'm only looking for people to test these right now. They're not completely finished, or as finished as I'd like them to be.

If you'd like to be a tester you can note me on here, or send me an e-mail at: make the subject read: Vintage Actions. It'll help me stay organized. (: If you note me on here be sure to leave a message as to where you'd like them sent, i.e. your e-mail... preferably. The first 10 people to email/note me will be testers!

You get actions for free, and provide me with a bit of feedback... sound like a good deal?


Apr. 3, 2010: They're HERE!, And Ready for you to use! I'm still really busy, But I think I've tweaked these to a point that I'm happy with! So feel free to use them, enjoy them, and let me know if you make something cool with them.

THANK YOU. :star:

Additional Details:
-Actions should work in Photoshop 7 and Up.
-Actions will come in a zipped folder, ready to be loaded into PS.

1. Plagal Decadence
2. Hazy Days
3. Vienna Tang
4. Early Winter
5. Patriarch
6. Rustic I - Omni
7. Rustic II - Golden

That's all. Thanks for all the support and positive comments! Although I'm not on here a lot, I really do appreciate them~

ALSO! Thank you to, ~FructisIndia-Stock, who provided the excellent photo for this little preview.
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eshephotography's avatar
These are fantastic! They have come in handy for so many pictures! Thank you so much!