Laurence the HomophobeGerona-Queen on DeviantArt

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Laurence the Homophobe

Character  Original Character


Laurence gets accused of being a homophobe by a Twitter user and he sets the record straight. See? He is homophobic! Naughty Laurence!

Jokes aside, Laurence hates the sight of blood hence, why he's a hemophobe, in case you don't know what that means. Laurence's pet chameleon is just chilling on his shoulder, oblivious to the grief it's owner is going through right in front of it. I was gonna go balls-to-the-wall with the Twitter parody character by drawing they/them in the infamous Tumblr style but the stark contrast between that and my style is jarring so I just kept the key features: shaved side, dyed hair, sausage fingers and gross nose and ear blush. And a frog jumper for 2021 trends because frogs are trendy right now for some reason.

I had this idea in my mind a year ago or so and finally put it to paper on 23rd December last year and coloured it in today. This comic is lagging. XD
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© 2021 - 2025 Gerona-Queen
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