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Pulseman's Salute



One of GameFreak's lesser-sung heroes making his most iconic pose, popping out of your computer screen.
Done with MyPaint and GIMP, made to fit Chromebook C720 screens (1366 x 768 pixel sizing), but can easily fit larger screens and stretch with minuscule loss.

Pulseman (the character and the game) is a part of GameFreak's lineup, therefore I do not own the intellectual properties of either.  Just this piece of artwork.
However,  if you haven't heard of the game Pulseman for the Sega Genesis/Mega Drive, I recommend it to anyone fond of platformers or anything GameFreak.  It's a blast and it deserves to be played at least once.
Image size
1366x768px 1.63 MB
© 2016 - 2024 GeorgetheG-Man
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Hexidextrous's avatar
Ah yes! Someone else who remembers the Digital Hero, Pulseman!