Wind waker - Tetra and LinkGENZOMAN on DeviantArt

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Wind waker - Tetra and Link



Oh, an ooold comision... is a bit diferent of my usual thing, uh? :D.

For me Wind waker was my cup of fresh air of the last decade, why? well, beautiful art direction, nice character design (tetra, link, medli, the pirate crew was just awesome), a good spot between art and video game, a great gameplay... and a wonderful sea to discover. if you wish to be a pirate and love zelda games, maybe this could be your game if now you are tired of bald angry marines. If you played this, you know what Im talking and why I love this game :)

from here my admiration to Shigeru Miyamoto, Eiji Aonuma and all that genius on Nintendo

PSCS/graphire3-bamboo/5hours/music : Dragon Roost Island - zelda Wind waker OST (duuuude if you dont love this song , you must go to a doctor!! this songs is pure adventure T_T)

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Argentenuem's avatar

This looks like a 4kids adaptation