Warcraft Shield of DistortionGENZOMAN on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/genzoman/art/Warcraft-Shield-of-Distortion-243871164GENZOMAN

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GENZOMAN's avatar

Warcraft Shield of Distortion



Hi there guys! here goes a pic I done back in the beginning of 2009 for World of Warcraft/Blizzard. In the image a Blood elf death knight repels a magic attack.

Was one of the first death knight I drawn, so was a lot of fun, also love to draw magic powers and that kind of thing. Hehehe, here goes a MAN, ites been a lot of girls and monsters the last weeks, so I hope you like it :)

Bamboo/PSCS/8-10hours/music: Lost Horizon - Pure
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862x900px 254.97 KB
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RR3draws's avatar
pensé que era más reciente :O!
esta es una de las cartas de Death Knight que recibes de Arthas (y de Arfus) en la actual expansión, Knights of the Frozen Throne