Warcraft - Erindae FirestriderGENZOMAN on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/genzoman/art/Warcraft-Erindae-Firestrider-100850735GENZOMAN

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November 13, 2008
Erin dae Firestrider by *GENZOMAN is phenomenal. The colors are so vivid and robust. The details are breathtaking! If you play World of Warcraft you have undoubtedly seen this image by now on one of the loading screens, a wonderful work of art.
Featured by cosmosue
Suggested by Sir-Beret
GENZOMAN's avatar

Warcraft - Erindae Firestrider

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Check another World of warcraft pics I done :)



This is a pic I done arround a year ago (the last December or so) for World of Warcraft CCG, what i can say, I LOVE this game XD. this chain me on the computer and also, inspired me a lot, the guys of Blizzard does a great work there , creating a whole new and atractive universe :)

Also I´m very happy of draw bood elf girls, cause i lovein general the design of all their stuff on the game (but draenei girs are still my favorite ones :P). This mage is suposed to be on some place of Stranglethorn Vale.

I´m pretty happy, cause appears as one of the characthers on the new load screen of the new patch and also on the new expansion: wrath of the lich king

Intuos/photoshop CS/time...cant remember,lol,a lot of time ago/ music: lol, the only song i had in my mind was lament of the highborn :p

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800x662px 153.57 KB
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Vardatch's avatar

brutal, juego arto al wow y cada vez que veo esta imagen en las pantallas de carga me acuerdo de ti y me inspiras, estoy tratando de dedicarme al dibujo