AthenaGENZOMAN on DeviantArt

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the favorite daughter of Zeus, Guardian of Atenas and master of heroes.

a "young" version i think :D

a draw for myths & Legends TCG, a ld one, arround 6 months or less.

photoshop CS/grapphire 3/ 5 hours and plus one more for a latter correction/music: dark venus persefone by therion (in live, this song rocks :D)

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Ares and Athena were half-brothers, but no love lost between them, because they hate each other and love to come to blows every time they can. The busty godeees love to wear slutty attires when she want to pick a new fight against the brute.

Athena call Ares a brainless brute. Ares's answer was to slid his fingers under Athena's thong. Her pussy was soaked, burning with lust and desire. Athena punched hard Ares, but the god of war began to rub faster the wet pussy of her half-sister, making her to moan. Ares’s bone was obvious under her pants, and Athena’s nipples were so erect that it looked like they were going to tear the fabric of her top, and her pants were so obscenely soaked than nobody could believe the dampness were sweat only.


Athena punched him again, harder. Ares smile as he began to finger-fucking the slutty goddess of wisdom. Athena, enraged, punch him in the chin, flooring him. Athena took advantage of his daze to jump on him, like a wild tigress on a fighting bull. The goddess feels in heaven battling again the brutal god of war and slaughter, but Ares's prick was erect and ready for the battle, and Athena was happy to oblige.


Athena love a chance to clobber again Ares, but she become enraged when she notices that he is looking at the wet spot in the crotch of her clothes. They began a nasty name calling contest which leads to a rabid slugfest all the first round. They are gods, so the first round lasted for two months non-stop with no clear winner.


In Round Two, both fighters, visibly tired, circled each other slowly for weeks, trading some blows mixed with dirty remarks about they are going to do to each other at the end of the fight. She is very graphic and very kinky in the gruesome details, but Ares is not far behind, so Athena need six weeks to floored him and facesit for ten days, cumming one and another time as she enjoyed the incestuous violation.

In Round three, Ares become more aggressive, pounding and harassing Athena with no mercy. The unmerciful goddess of wisdom fired back blow for blow, but after one month of savagery, Ares had the busty goddess cornered and badly beaten. The divine brute enjoyed bruising his bare flesh against her bare flesh as they clinched and go to the ground. They rolled on the grass back and forth, hurting each other as hard as they can. Athena fought back like a cornered rat, so Ares need one month more to impale the busty goddess of wisdom with her huge prick. Athena was stunned, because Ares rarely had been macho enough before to fuck her, but at same time she was delighted and marveled by the savagery of this fight, and Ares's maleness was awesome as her half-brother rape her for one entire week.


In Round four, Ares was ready to press his advantage but the busty goddess of wisdom was determined to turn the tide in her favor. They trade fists back and forth all the valley for weeks, warring with no pause and no mercy. They laughed as they hurt each other until Athena floored Ares. The busty goddess of wisdom moan in lust as she began to clobber Ares in the grapplefest, but this time the guy strikes back with painful force. After ten weeks of spicy savagery, the round seemed very even and it was not clear who was going to win. Athena was amazed, because her brawls with Ares had never been so long before. Normally, the fights were ultra-violent, but Athena usually needed a little more than five months to kayoed the macho brute and rape him. Not this time.


Athena need ten weeks more of brutal brawl to begin to feat that Ares can be the winner this time, so she began to fight in a feral way, hurting her half-brother in the worse way she can. But Ares outfucked her and make her cum like a cheap bitch in heat one, two and three times without cum himself. Slowly, the fight become more and more one sided, but Athena fought back almost one week more before began to beg for mercy under too many orgasms.


Round five was rough and spicy. Ares was on the offensive, clobbering Athena one entire week, but very slowly the busty goddess takes the upper hand on the match, forcing the guy to step back. After one month more of feral slugfest, Athena had Ares cornered and trapped. She clinched him, bruising her groin on his oversized bone as they trade blows to the ribs for eleven days until Ares fell to the ground. Athena take advantage to facesit her one entire week, cumming non-stop.

On Round six, Ares were eager of revenge and attacked without hesitation, hitting Athena with lefts and rights, but the busty goddess was ready for him and fought back for two weeks. No defense, only attack. They hurt badly each other and Athena scream in pain under Ares’s blows, but after two months the guy tokes the worse on the exchange. At the end of the round, he was on the floor, barely conscious, as the busty goddess facesit her again for nine days.


Athena believe the fight was over, but Ares demanded round seven. The busty goddess returned to the fray headhunting, wanting the KO. But Ares fought back with awesome endurance. He was on the defensive for five weeks, but Athena can’t have kayoed him. After two months of one sided slugfest, Athena become too overconfident, so the brutal god can take her by surprise with an uppercut that make her fall to the grass like a sack of potatoes. He nailed her and they trade blows as she is screwed for twelve days.


In this moment, the score is even 3-3, but Athena, her burning vulva full and soaked with male seed, refused a draw and challenge Ares to fight her one round more until only one remained on foot. Ares’s answer was to spit on her face and they tangled again, no rules this time. After three weeks of MMA brawl, Athena was badly bruised in all her body, sporting a black eye and a bloody nose, but Ares was under her, kissing and licking her soaked pussy in a very submissive way. No more rounds. Ares beg for mercy and lick Athena’s foot.


Athena had need 14 months and half to subdue Ares, but she was happy and satiated, and ready for much more.


Ares will need at least three years to be ready to challenge Athena again. Meanwhile, perhaps she can pick nasty brawls with Hercules, Apollo, Artemis or her other favorite partner: Hephaistos.


OPEN FOR COMMISSIONS: If you want to read your own favorite story of female/mixed wrestling/fight/combat, with your favorite plot, storyline, characters, scenario, etc I can write it for you. One page (500-550 words; 2.800-3.000 spaces) ten euros. Five pages: 50 euros, ten pages, 100 euros, etc. Paypal is fine to me. I can write for you the biggest fantasies; the most bizarre scenarios you can imagine, the perfect ending you want. Write me with your request.