Amakusa Shiro TokisadaGENZOMAN on DeviantArt

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Amakusa Shiro Tokisada



Amakusa Shiro Tokisada was a leader of the Shimabara Rebellion. The son of a former Konishi clan retainer, Shiro was touted by the leaders of the Shimabara Uprising as the "Fourth Son of Heaven," foretold by Saint Francis Xavier to be destined to lead the Christianization of Japan. Shiro led the defence of Hara Castle and died when it fell. His head was displayed on a pike in Nagasaki for a very long time afterward as a warning to any other potential Christian rebels.

sorry XD...WIKIPOWER!.

a draw for Myths & Legends trading card game
photoshop CS
Image size
500x697px 57.41 KB
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Ancalagon555's avatar

Wow. It looks like 5th assassin from Fate/stay night